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To play devil's advocate(by no means aggreeing with the initial post by DJ)you could say that all of the kitshop stuff has a LCF.That,coupled with the practicality of the kit, in essence is the reason we purchace it.How many times do new recruits purchace kit just because they have seen someone on TV using it,or people senior to them using it,and say to themselves "I want it!"
I can almost relate to this,as a young gunner,on a tasking with the Field Arty school in Gagetown.Everyone of the pers I worked with all wore american alpha liners.I went out and purchaced on on the "LCF" but soon realized the real value of that kit.
Please keep in mind that I DO NOT aggree with DJ's initial post.Just playing devil's advocate here.
Daryl J said:
The last sentence of my post states that people buy stuff for the cool factor and I was not refering to the every person that has bought extra kit. After reading these forums I've found that a lot of the kit people are buying is mainly for the cool factor. Wesley, you buy your gear because it helps you do your job, and many others do as well but some don't. A lot of you buy extra gear because it helps you do your job more effectively but is that the case all the time? That's what I want to find out.

Can you tell me that every piece of extra kit bought by a soldier was bought only for comfort and usefulness? Wesley, you're one man and you don't speak for the entire army, you speak for yourself and I respect that. So what I'm 18? What difference would it make if I'm 18, 8, or 80? People always say to respect adults but I always say to respect everyone.

Of course he doesn't speak for the entire army; what he does speak for is an experianced soldier. Show some respect when the senior members post here, most if not all have been there and done that and know their job from first hand experiance. I persoanlly don't see how you can be so agressive with your opinion as you're not in the army, so you don't really know anything at all about what your talking about. More to the point, how can you be upset about him giving a generalization when your asking for a generalization about kit?

The only common new "guichi" kit I see often are new gloves, stealth suits, and new valise straps.
Daryl J said:
Personally I think that people just want to stand out and be noticed, one of those "I'm obsessed with my self" things.

I really think you are trying to stir the shyte pot here Daryl.

Your quote refers to  all personnel who buy non-issure items, and I would consider most soldiers professionals.

LCF maybe for cadets or airsofters.

Like I said cop it on the chin and carry on.

Daryl, your question has been asked and is being answered.  If I were you, I'd sit back and read the responses instead of trying to defend a valid question which, due to your lack of any military experience, was worded in a poor way.
R031button said:
Of course he doesn't speak for the entire army; what he does speak for is an experianced soldier. Show some respect when the senior members post here, most if not all have been there and done that and know their job from first hand experiance. I persoanlly don't see how you can be so agressive with your opinion as you're not in the army, so you don't really know anything at all about what your talking about. More to the point, how can you be upset about him giving a generalization when your asking for a generalization about kit?

Honestly It's that I don't take kindly to people who offend me when they have never even met me and check your private messages R031button.
Infanteer said:
Daryl, your question has been asked and is being answered.  If I were you, I'd sit back and read the responses instead of trying to defend a valid question which, due to your lack of any military experience, was worded in a poor way.

I searched but I never find anything on it, I'm probably just using the wrong words for the search.
I think the thing is, with perhaps the exception of the greenest privates, kit isn't bought because you saw it in a store and thought it was cool... kit is bought because you were out in the field, had a problem, and suffered because of it, and decided to do somthing about it when you came home.

As somone pointed out, if you bring it with you, you've got to carry it, no sense in carrying anything simply to look cool... even for those of us that bring truck-sacks...

Aside from that, much of what "looks cool" to air-softers and cadets did at some point have a functional value...
Daryl J said:
Honestly It's that I don't take kindly to people who offend me when they have never even met me and check your private messages R031button.

Can we lock this thread up, as its going no where fast, and this idiot just wants an audience, and is just trolling.


I've seen posts about people asking about stuff for lcf, but then they got smacked and realised you don't need something that's shiny and green, it' just needs to be dull and green. but I haven't actually seen anybody post on here using something for just the "look cool factor".
most stuff that is issued I still hate it. mind you it is a thousand times better then webgear, or a weapon you can't shoulder properly because of body armour, or having horribly bad pains in your feet because you're too hard to change over from the hockey pucks (I did that, then realised how bad that was for me).
most guys that do this are the new privates fresh from battleschool. however you need these guys in order to maybe see this stuff get issued at some point. I have had some high ranker's come up to me before and ask me if the thing I was using that was non issued was actually effective, course I told em it was. how can you expect these super dooper shiny pieces of kit get issued out to us if you never have the young private that tries it out to see if it works?
I'm with sig op on this; that's why I bought the stuff I wear because the issued stuff didn't work in the field.
I for one agree with the others I have never bought kit for the LCF I bought kit to help me do my job and make my life a little easier. Daryl in the future watch your wording, had you done so initially all of this could have been avoided.

Wes as requested. Locked!
I noticed some stuff on wheelersonline.com what would be useful on the field but the rest of it is all for TCF. I can easily imagine soldiers buying things like the cadpat wallets just because they are cadpat, which is just a waste of money in my opinion... Unless you need a wallet of course.
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