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Coolest WW 2 plane (split from F-35 thread)


Army.ca Legend
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Rifleman62 said:
.......flying with the P-38 Lightning
World War Two produced only one aircraft more cool than the P-38....the Mosquito....with the A-10 loving grunt in me insisting that the Ju-87 (particularly the 87G) round out the top three

I meant the two aircraft flying together as a cool factor, not that the P-38 was a cool aircraft.

If we want a tangent on the Second World War (the Commonwealth name for that war )/World War Two (US), then the Mosquito, P-51 top my list. It is the sound of those Merlin engines also.

There was a flying demo of a P-51C (Red Tails commemorative), and a static P-51D.

The F-86 is another favorite. Several flt demos. The distinctive F-86 "whistle" you hear when it flies by. See Korean was movies.

Saw a Mosquito in the UK. If you love aircraft, go to Duxford: http://www.iwm.org.uk/visits/iwm-duxford

You will be thrilled.
Journeyman said:
World War Two produced only one aircraft more cool than the P-38....the Mosquito....with the A-10 loving grunt in me insisting that the Ju-87 (particularly the 87G) round out the top three


Tangent continued....

2 for 3 JM.  The Mossie and the Fork Tailed Devil for sure.  But number 3 is either the Tiffie, or more eclectically, the Lysander.  I just love the way that thing was built to put down anywhere.  :)
Oh, good, let's  :highjack:  the thread.

I agree that all of Mosquito, P-38 Lightning and Lysander were "cool," but the Hurrican, especially the Mk 1, was decisive ...


... and fairly "cool," too.

The Battle of Britain was a turning point, it as decisive, and the Hurricane, not the more glamorous Spitfire was the workhorse of that battle.
When you think about it - WW2 could possibly be seen as the apogee of piloted air warfare.  There were just so many effective and aesthetic aircraft out there.  Even ugly ducklings like the Shorts Stirling had their charm.

And I agree - The "hurriback" - with its distinctive "hunch" - did save Britain in the sense that you mean it.  It slaughtered German bombers. (Junkers, Heinkels and Dorniers).
None of these were bad choices but the A6M Zero (Reisen) has to be up there. The lines on that aircraft are beautiful. Here's an fighter that is pure offensive that relies on manoeuvre and pilot skill to stay alive rather then heavy armour. It was a fighter designed for fighter pilots. With a range of 3,100 km, it must be the longest ranged single-engine aircraft of the war. The Mustang is about 400km short of that according to Wikipedia.

Just check out the performance specs: (taken from Wikipedia so they are probably ballpark)


    Never exceed speed: 660 km/h (356 kn, 410 mph)
    Maximum speed: 533 km/h (287 kn, 331 mph) at 4,550 m (14,930 ft)
    Range: 3,105 km (1,675 nmi, 1,929 mi)
    Service ceiling: 10,000 m (33,000 ft)
    Rate of climb: 15.7 m/s (3,100 ft/min)
    Wing loading: 107.4 kg/m² (22.0 lb/ft²)
    Power/mass: 294 W/kg (0.18 hp/lb)
I have 2 favourites. The Corsair F4U and the Lancaster BII. (basically a Lanc with Hercules engines.)

For those of us who wonder how a C-130 Herc  engine got in a Lanc:  :)

The Bristol Hercules was a 14-cylinder two-row radial aircraft engine designed by Sir Roy Fedden and produced by the Bristol Engine Company starting in 1939. It was the first of their single sleeve valve (Burt-McCollum, or Argyll, type) designs to see widespread use, powering many aircraft in the mid-World War II time frame.

The Corsair F4U with it's distinctive gull wing was a great aircraft. The US Navy had teething problems landing on carriers so gave it to the Marines. Canadian VC in the F4U in 1945.

Served in Korean War as did the F-51 (1947 USAF designation - Fighter, vice USAAF designation - Pursuit). See also the F-82 Twin Mustang.  The P-51 was the first fighter to escort bombers round trip to Berlin from the UK.

The Brits replaced the A-36 (Attack)Allison engine with the Merlin, thus Mustang I / P-51. The Brits solved the F4U carrier ops problems. The Brits invented angled carrier decks. The Brits invented the steam catapult.

The Lancaster was an amazing aircraft. Special missions, 617 Sqn, Tallboys, Dam busters, Tirpiz, Pathfinders, etc.

The Mosquito later took on the Pathfinders role as well as dam busting the canal system of locks etc. Bomber version bomb load was  500 lbs more than the B-17, faster with a crew loss of two vice ten. Fighter Bomber, Night Fighter, Night Intruder, very versatile.
To add to the Mosquito, much of it was made of plywood, thus giving it a low radar signature.

The first "stealth aircraft".
AirDet said:
I have 2 favourites. The Corsair F4U and the Lancaster BII. (basically a Lanc with Hercules engines.)
I'm with you guys on the Corsair, it's my favorite.
E.R. Campbell said:
Oh, good, let's  :highjack:  the thread.

I agree that all of Mosquito, P-38 Lightning and Lysander were "cool," but the Hurrican, especially the Mk 1, was decisive ...


... and fairly "cool," too.

The Battle of Britain was a turning point, it as decisive, and the Hurricane, not the more glamorous Spitfire was the workhorse of that battle.
Also liking it because one in ten were built in my back yard.
Agree with most hands down; the Corsair. Not sure why but most survivors are Goodyear-built FGs.
Since I was a kid, I have always liked the unclean yet functional lines of the 109 Emil. Though outclassed by 1940, arguably THE most revolutionary aircraft in the late 30s.
Wait for it:  Fairey Swordfish.  Successful in Taranto and helped cripple the Bismarck.  As a friend says often, "if it's ugly and it works, it ain't ugly."


Other notable mentions that I haven't seen here yet:  PBY Catalina, DC-3 and B-25H gunship (AKA "How many guns can we fit onto an aircraft?")
Said already earlier, but for the army, this is a pretty cool aircraft to see flying in support of you

If you want 'retro-cool', then you really need to be talking P47:


Kind of like the fighter plane version of Seth Rogan  ;D
Technoviking said:
Said already earlier, but for the army, this is a pretty cool aircraft to see flying in support of you

It is a cool looking plane, however I much prefer the Ilyushin Il-2 Sturmovik, in combination with its successor, the Ilyushin Il-10, a total of 42,330 were built, making it the single most produced military aircraft design in all of aviation history!

Larry Strong said:
It is a cool looking plane, however I much prefer the Ilyushin Il-2 Sturmovik, in combination with its successor, the Ilyushin Il-10, a total of 42,330 were built, making it the single most produced military aircraft design in all of aviation history!


I almost posted the IL-2.  But in terms of just being "cool", I prefer the JU-87.  Just from appearance, its reputation, etc.  But the Sturmovik is epic!  Nice posting :)