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Compulsory Remuster (COT) and Spec Pay


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I am just wondering if anyone has been or heard of someone getting an Compulsory Occuptational Transfer and recieved Spec Pay.
They were remustered out of Infantry to AVN TECH. If you know someone or have knowledge of this please advise. I am trying to find out for a friend of mine. They spoke to there Clerk and are unsure to why they got spec pay not being trade qualified yet. 

Any info would be greatly appreciated to find out why.

Some trades get Spec Pay based on rank and not qualification. 
If the clerk cannot explain your friend's pay, he should speak to another clerk.
That happend to me when I OTed to a spec trade. The mistake was made when the clerk was entering new information for me in the system because the trade has two sub-occupation, one with a Jr prefix and one without. The Jr prefix is for people who are not QL5 qualified and hence not receiving Spec pay. Tell him to save all the money because once they fix the error, it will all come out of his pay at the same time. It took 2 months for my pay to be fixed.
It's a safe bet to say that any COT into a new trade for which you have no qualifications will mean that you are the basic pay group.  Rank-based spec pay went the way of the dodo.
Prior to 2002 or 3? OT transfers to spec trades so long as the member was QL5, rx'd spec pay immediately. That ended due to failure of some members to compete their new trade qualifications. As the member was required to pay BACK the spec pay they had received, in some cases depending how long it took to fail out, could be a lot of money.
meni0n said:
That happend to me when I OTed to a spec trade. The mistake was made when the clerk was entering new information for me in the system because the trade has two sub-occupation, one with a Jr prefix and one without. The Jr prefix is for people who are not QL5 qualified and hence not receiving Spec pay. Tell him to save all the money because once they fix the error, it will all come out of his pay at the same time. It took 2 months for my pay to be fixed.

The good thing is that he apparently caught it in time. He was back payed for the spec pay from the date of the effective date. He said its only a month. He hopes that it gets fixed by Ottawa by the end of the week.
Best of luck to him.

Thanks all for your reply's. Lots of good information for me to pass on to him.
Better than waiting for some clerks to figure it out. No offense to any clerks out there.
