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Combat Engineers

  • Thread starter Thread starter fusilier
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Stout said:
My question for you Engineers is if you guys get alot of combat in the field or is it mostly building/labor work.
Stout said:
  Are there any Engineers here that were in Afghanistan that give a short rundown of some of the operations you undertook. 
Try here for answers to both: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/51155.0.html
Hello again!

Glad to report that I've received my offer yesterday from the careers office. They've got me coming in as a Pte (T) with waivers granted for most of the QL3 and QL5, with the remainder of my qualifications to be reviewed/granted once I am in unit (leadership and trade qualifications). What I'd now like to know, if possible, is what the following PO's are, as they are what I will need to go to gagetown for prior to joining the field army.

QL3 PO's 101, 119, 120

QL5 (these PO's I've been granted waivers for)
PO's 201,202,203,204,205

Of course, if this is not suitable for the public domain please PM and I will confirm my identity/details.

Thanks for all the advice thus far, and in advance for the answers to the above.


just finished readding the thread, and found it to be a bit of an eye opener having picked Combat Engineer as my trade of choice.  Having read the info of the recruiting web site i felt like i was going in blind.

I think the recruiting site should have a like to you guys maybe clear some things up for people thinking of Combat Engineer as a possible career
I was born in gagetown. I lived on the army base for years. my dad was a jumper diver and allot of his Friends were too, now I'm 18 and it's my chance to see if i can make it. My heart is on fire. I cant wait to get through to recruitment process. Anyway i remember my dad and his buddies always singing the engineer song, anybody know it? if i remember correctly it's got some pretty funny lyrics.

CHEEMO! :cdn:
I am not nor ever was a Cmbt  Engineer but...I am pretty sure it is ...


from the ones that I did know...

Best of luck on the recruiting stuff!

Mud Recce Man said:
I am not nor ever was a Cmbt  Engineer but...I am pretty sure it is ...


from the ones that I did know...

Best of luck on the recruiting stuff!
From What I heard my regement say, I believe it is CHIMO!
slowmode said:
From What I heard my regement say, I believe it is CHIMO!

its REGIMENT......

and yes, its CHIMO

But its not uncomon to say CHEEMO either...just because.....i'm sure everyone who wears / has worn the capbadge knows how its spelled
CDN Aviator said:
its REGIMENT......

and yes, its CHIMO

But its not uncomon to say CHEEMO either...just because.....i'm sure everyone who wears / has worn the capbadge knows how its spelled
sorry, small mistake.

Gooday gents, just wanted to drop a line to let you know that after a year of farting around, getting discharged from the brits, married, moved back to London ON and restarting my application, I've received word yesterday that I have been accepted as skilled cbt engr, and they have also accepted my posting preference (2 CER). The job offer is being finalised now, so very very soon I shall be joining your illustrious ranks up in Pet!

Thanks again for all your advice and help!

Will let you all know once the final offer is received.
Nice to hear from you TTG
Glad that things are looking up for you & that your enrollment into our illustrious ranks is going full tilt.
Hope you can post some pointers on where things went right (& wrong) and why... to help those who come afterwards.

All the best

Sounds like it's pretty much a done deal.

I'm happy for you. 
Thanks CForr! Literally just waiting on borden to see the offer message and adjust as necessary, once that is approved I get in and can start moving.

Once I am actually wearing CADPAT I will collect my thoughts, go over the process in my mind and post any pointers I have as Geo said. It's certainly not the most clear cut process (ie a simple 'transfer') but who knows, if some RE's follow in my footsteps perhaps this will give them a heads up.

Now, one question I have; I've tried looking on the net for a 2 CER website, and specifically a calendar of events as once was posted on the 1 CER website.

With OPSEC in mind, could anyone PM me a non-detailed forecast of events for the regiment for the coming year? So wifey and i can try to plan the coming year. From my experience of life in the sappers I know that any yearly planner published by squadrons is out of date the moment it's printed, but if I could have a small inkling of what i'll be up to that'd be great!


Your year at 2 CER??? Rear Party..........good times!
This will be my first (hopefully of many) post on here. I have been given an offer of employment, infact I get sworn in, in three days. Of course since I am posting here you can guess my trade (043). I have been doing a bunch of reading, and I want to thank everyone for their posts. They have been very helpful. I was going to as a bunch of question, but most of them have been answered.

I do have one though... How hard is it to pick an advanced course, to steer your career in a specific direction, and actually get it going that way? Or is it just hope you can get courses, or do they just pick you for courses? "Hey Pte. Smith, yer going on the Hy Eqt course, too bad you wanted that EOD."?

Thanks... and I'd say Chimo, but I don't think I have earned that right yet.
Welcome to the family.
In part, your specialty courses will depend, in part, on your unit's needs & the capabilities you will demonstrate to your leaders.  Going 043 and you want to be an EOD god.... well, you will get your chance... a wee bit at a time.  There is Explosive work on your basic Sapper training... and we'll see how it goes then.

Thanks Geo, So it is pretty much up to chance, with a little but of what you're good at. I am thinking I would like Breaching, and EOD/IEDD. But that is without ever having even touched C4. I am one to always be in the thick of it, my friends in the Infantry and other trades think I would be good in "The shiite". I guess no one knows untill you get there, though. Any words of wisdom? I'm leaving for BMQ early Jan 08. I know what that is all about, SQ too, but other than reading a bit in here, not really sure what life at QL3 or at my Unit will be like. Yes I have read the MOC, and I have seen what it says about the course, but thats on paper and written a while ago probably by someone who hasn't done it either.

I heard there is a lot of need for EOD, how soon should I expect to have a course offered when I get posted? Any thoughts?