Hello again!
Glad to report that I've received my offer yesterday from the careers office. They've got me coming in as a Pte (T) with waivers granted for most of the QL3 and QL5, with the remainder of my qualifications to be reviewed/granted once I am in unit (leadership and trade qualifications). What I'd now like to know, if possible, is what the following PO's are, as they are what I will need to go to gagetown for prior to joining the field army.
QL3 PO's 101, 119, 120
QL5 (these PO's I've been granted waivers for)
PO's 201,202,203,204,205
Of course, if this is not suitable for the public domain please PM and I will confirm my identity/details.
Thanks for all the advice thus far, and in advance for the answers to the above.