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"City cops upset they aren't an H1N1 priority"


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In today's Edmonton Sun:
"Edmonton police are upset they're not getting to jump the queue with hospital staff and emergency medical responders for H1N1 shots.":
"While flu clinics re-open today for young children, police are wondering when they'll get their shots, since they think they deserve priority attention."

"Montreal cops no longer on H1N1 first priority list":

"The RCMP says it isn't being given advance access to vaccine and the members of the national force in New Brunswick will have to line up with the general public for their H1N1 shots."

Fredericton, N.B.:
"First-responders such as Fredericton's police officers and firefighters should be given priority access to H1N1 flu vaccinations, says the capital city's deputy mayor.":

I think that cops should be given "priority" for the shot as well.  If too many cops are out sick due to the H1N1 the civil authorities would not be too effective now would they?

On the other hand, I had someone getting pretty heated up last night talking about the H1N1 shots.  They were concerned about their own health and the fact that it is still uncertain when they will be able to receive the shot.  Having known that I have already obtained my shot, they did not think it was fair that I (we in the CF) get ours before the general public and they did not see the reasons why the CF should have advanced access to the shot.  After informing them that ours is obtained though the CF supply and not the local supply it seemed to ease the situation.  However, informing them to the reasons of why the CF has access to it already and the reasons of why we need it (ie; Opperation effectiveness and because we have to have the ability to respond to any situation, even if that situation requires aiding civil authorities in the event that the H1N1 out break overwhelms them and creates an emergency situation, etc, etc) it did not seem to help.  They understood the reasons of why troops deploying (to Afghanistan or to sea, etc) would require it after some explanation, but they still did not agree with why the rest of the personal posted home required it.
My sister emailed last night & asked me the same thing why those not deployed have priority with the H1N1 vaccination. I reminded her about last minute 'taskings' such as the Manitoba floods & the ice storm when the military was called out....& she had released almost years ago with almost 20 in...
xo31@711ret said:
I reminded her about last minute 'taskings' such as the Manitoba floods & the ice storm when the military was called out

Not only that but most of have V2010 security coming up. Lets also not forget that for some of us, domestic and international operations are conducted from home base all year round without being "last minute".
ncs_eng 081 said:
they did not think it was fair that I (we in the CF) get ours before the general public

"Never argue with an idiot. They just drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience. ;D
I think anyone with the ability to dress themselves understands that vaccinating CF members must be a priority. It always has been, and always will be.
Some good news is that Toronto Police Officers and Firefighters are, and will continue to be, vaccinated by T-EMS "Community Medicine" Paramedics who are regularly visiting police stations and firehouses.

I managed to get my shot in advance, along with all the health-care workers, so the vaccine policy in greater alberta must be pretty uneven.  Mind you, now there's a shortage.