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CIMIC in Kandahar


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Attention CIMIC operators:

I'm considering putting my name in for a CIMIC position on TF 1-08 to Afghanistan. I'm on the hunt for information about CIMIC operations in the Kandahar area. As well as suggestions on how to prepare for the course in Kingston.

I'm all ears,

Hey there Brodda,
I can't seem to find any 'real' facts out there...just a lot of "warm and fuzzy" news clippings.
IMHO, I believed that the PRT/CIMIC guys are doing just as good and important job as the troopies out on the line.  I've never liked the overused slogan of "winning the harts and minds...one person at a time", but from what I hear...it seems to be true.
I've always liked working behind the scenes...and these teams fit the bill.
Good luck mate! Stay safe!;D
This is a link to the Peace Support Training Centre in Kingston and the CIMIC operator course.


Anyone found anything else.

I worked for CIMIC before as an "adviser" on some of their projects overseas, although not in AFG.
They are looking any kind of projects that would improve the "locals" quality of life. Some that come to mind: water supply, garbage clean up, school repairs and furniture, fixing up hospitals, some community leisure improvements (sports fields..) whatever they think  could be a good project to help, depending of the priorities. When I worked for them, there was anything like a PRT operating in theatre, so I don't know if they both work on the same kind of projects though. Every unit seams to sponsor a cause on their own, I seen EME dudes making school benches and desks, infanteers helping to renovate an orphanage and such, engineers putting a roof on a section of an hospital.

It might answer a few questions, although not related to AFG..
