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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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i asked this question in another post but its got merged and i went through all 33 pages and my question was not answered so i'm trying here in the hopes and i get a good and clear answer from a recruiter.

Welcome to army.ca

You have asked this same question several times in the last few hours and are basically spamming the site in your hopes of an instant answer. 

WAIT until a knowledgeable person can come online to answer your question.
alright i apologize  about that its just i could not sleep without a clear answer this has got me worried sick because i saw that people on this site got their results right after their test , so since i need to wait to receive it i have a weird feeling like if the recruiter did not want to say if i passed or failed or something so again i'm sorry my intentions were not to spam also i did not know that there was a section in the forums where you could ask a recruiter himself for help i just found out if i would of known i would not of posted elsewhere but that is my own fault for not looking enough
For hockey_10000.

"...i did my CFAT yesterday and did not get any results so i don't know if i scored high enough to get into infantry."

From the Ask a CAF Recruiter "READ FIRST" Sticky: "Before you ask a question, you should be searching the forum or the Forces.ca website for these answers."

What do you need to get on the CFAT for Infantry Trade?

CFAT Scoring? Minimum for Reg force Infantry?

What are th lowest you can get on the cfat in order to get into the infantry?

Does someone know how high you have to score to become an infantryman?

To get into infantry, what is the school you need to get on the CFAT?

And one more thing im very bad at math?? will that have a lot to do with passing for Infantry Soldier which is what i really wanna do!!

My choice's were Infantry Soldier And Amoured Solider! Does anyone know if you need a supurb socre to get into thoise ocupations???

I plan to join the reserves, with an Infantry MOC. I hope the CFAT is alot easier than this test was.

And for infantry, you don't need a very high score (I heard).

CFAT infantry score 

For infantry you need to score 18/60...  :D

CFAT for infantry officer 

CFAT Test Results...what does it mean?
I‘m sure they have some room for you in the infantry, you don‘t need grade 12 math to know how to dig a hole  ;)


Call the recruiting center today and ask whether your qualified for all of your trade choices since you weren't told after the test? Sometimes the answer is just so simple.
well i got my answer i did not pass gonna do a re-write but friendly advise do not underestimate the test !!! practice your grade 10 maths read alot do iq tests but grade 10 math books to practice but do not go do the test thinking ahh its gonna be easy no need to practice or ah well i want to be in the infantry i do not need to get a good mark !! wronngg practice practice practice or you will regret it
i cant tell you exactly what is in the test but i can tell you that it has to do with grade 10 maths
You have my sympathies, I hope that your advice helps others, and I wish you better on your next attempt.

Six posts ago, I made a request to you:

Loachman said:
Please capitalize and punctuate where appropriate. Your post is painful to attempt to read, and does not reflect well upon you.

I am serious about that. It's your reputation, of course, so feel free to ignore it, but lack of effort in one area generally indicates a lack of effort in others. You have acknowledged a need to do better in math. Apply that in all other areas as well.

You are competing for a position that you want. Competing. There are minimum standards that must be met. Minimum standards. Meeting minimum standards, though, is not good enough if others perform better than you. There is no guarantee of success, as you now know.

Should you pass the CFAT next time, you will have many other challenges to overcome before you even qualify at the basic level of your desired occupation. And the challenges do not stop there - you should be enjoying challenges for your whole career.

Do yourself a favour: set a high standard for yourself now, and strive to meet it. Should you meet it, set a new one higher.

Effective communication, spoken and written, is important in all aspects of life. It is especially important in the CF, where expensive, and often irreplaceable, equipment and, more importantly, LIVES, frequently depend upon it. At some point in the future, given sufficient talent and through hard work on your part, you will find yourself in leadership positions. Can't communicate clearly? How would you expect to lead? Won't make the effort to do so? Where else will you not make the effort to perform at least adequately?

You will be judged on many things in life. That includes here. The two main things upon which people are judged here are their ideas and how they express them.

We like success stories. We want people to succeed.

We, on this Site and in the CF - your leaders, instructors, peers - will do what we can to help you succeed, but only as far as you are willing to make an honest effort yourself.
Also for hockey_10000. ( Unable to reply to her/him in the restricted Ask a CAF Recruiter forum or locked CFAT super-thread. )

well i got my answer i did not pass gonna do a re-write but friendly advise do not underestimate the test !!! practice your grade 10 maths read alot do iq tests but grade 10 math books to practice but do not go do the test thinking ahh its gonna be easy no need to practice or ah well i want to be in the infantry i do not need to get a good mark !! wronngg practice practice practice or you will regret it
i cant tell you exactly what is in the test but i can tell you that it has to do with grade 10 maths

CFAT Math Specific Questions (Merged)
8 pages.

See also,


PM sent to hockey_10000 so s/he can learn from these math specific discussions for her/his next attempt at CFAT.

Thanks, mariomike. I will merge those links that you provided into this thread later - those that are mergeable, at least.

This thread was locked for a reason - mainly due to the repetitive nature of questions and answers. I am mulling the idea of re-opening it temporarily, but it is already more than long enough.

i did not do well on my first try for the cfat mainly because i did not practice enough. i do not know in what part of the test i did not do well though but i think its in the maths and spacial sections.
i know its hard to practice spacial ability but for the math part i know that if you study grade 10 math you should be able to pass it so my question is : where can i order a book that explains grade 10 maths? or do you guys know a book i could buy or order ?

also if possible in french since I'm from Montreal so the test is in french . And  i cant go take a course in grade 10 math since I've already passed high school 7 years ago but that's the problem i don't remember anything from grade 10 since it has been so long

hockey_10000 said:
where can i order a book that explains grade 10 maths?

This may help,

CFAT Book 

Will an ASVAB prep-book prepare me for the CFAT?

CFAT practice

CFAT book

Forcesready.ca? CFAT Prep 

CFAT Practice and FAQs 

CFAT Math Specific Questions (Merged)
8 pages.

See also,


GRE MATH SITE http://www.onlinemathlearning.com/gre-math.html

http://www.needmathhelp.com/gr10math.htm  ALL SECTIONS IN GR 10 CURRICULUM

Word Problems Forum with Answers :  http://www.algebra.com/algebra/homework/word/age/Age_Word_Problems.faq.hide_answers.1.html

ALL TYPES OF WORKSHEETS : RATIOS, DIVISION, FRACTIONS, ETC.http://www.mathworksheets4kids.com/percent.html
http://www.mathworksheets4kids.com/word-problems.html  WORD PROBS

http://www.algebra.com/ Fractions

Dividing Decimals - http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_946495&feature=iv&src_vid=eI6Xp6pwhqc&v=UiB1pB_5leU

Convering P into F/D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04eEAxkc4bk&feature=relmfu

Solving Ratio Word Probs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJIGXAfCcpQ

Manipulating Fractions http://www.careergym.com/blog_comment/numerical_quantitative_reasoning_best_practices_3_manipulating_fractions






You can also check the 34-page Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) FAQ  for CFAT book reviews:

hockey_10000 said:
also if possible in french

You could ask here,

Test d'aptitude 

hockey_10000 said:
Thanks a lot you have been really helpful to me mariomike , thanks for taking the time to help out

You are welcome. Good luck!  :)
Thanks and also i wish this post can help other people to prepare ! i found an app on android called CFAT trainer which is helpful not as much as a book but it will ask you questions similar to the ones on the test and it will give feedback after every questions . It is free but you can pay 6.99 and have 700 questions

So remember ''CFAT trainer'' on the App store
This will all be merged into the CFAT FAQ thread soon.

I am not looking forward to doing that...

And hockey_10000 - Capital letters and punctuation. This is my third request to you now.
mariomike said:
This may help,

"what type of math is on the aptitude test?":

"Math questions on the test":

"CFAT Math Problem Solving": 

"Not the best at math..":

"CFAT Math + other question": 

"How does one 'relearn' math?":

"I suck at math (CFAT worries)":

"If you need help in Math for the CFAT":



Just responding to follow post....
CFAT Trainer app and youtube. I didn't score high enough for AVN/ACS my first time around and I had to wait a year for a waiver. The week before I had to rewrite I just watched youtube videos and did practice questions to relearn everything pre algebra and I did excellent the second time.
I have unlocked this thread for the time being, but it is already thirty-four pages long, so please limit discussion to essential matters and avoid posting study aids that have already been posted.