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Canadian, British-Canadian IRC Workers killed in Afghanistan


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Canadian, British-Canadian killed in Afghanistan
Updated Wed. Aug. 13 2008 10:58 AM ET CTV.ca News Staff
Article Link

A Canadian, British-Canadian dual-citizen and an American-Trinidadian -- all female aid workers -- were killed in an attack Wednesday along with an Afghan driver.

Another Afghan driver was critically wounded in the attack.

Earlier reports suggested an Irish woman and an American were among the victims, but the New York-based International Rescue Committee has now corrected those reports.

The women were working for the IRC, a group which provides emergency relief and rehabilitation and defends human rights in countries recovering from war.

They were travelling through Logar province towards Kabul in a clearly marked IRC vehicle when they were attacked by armed militants, the organization said. Logar province is south of the Afghan capital.

"We are stunned and profoundly saddened by this tragic loss," George Rupp, president of the IRC said in a statement.

"These extraordinary individuals were deeply committed to aiding the people of Afghanistan, especially the children who have seen so much strife. Words are inadequate to express our sympathy for the families and loved ones of the victims and our devoted team of humanitarian aid workers in Afghanistan."

The statement said the IRC had contacted the families of the victims and planned to release more information later. Their names and hometowns have not yet been released.

The IRC said it has suspended humanitarian aid work in Afghanistan indefinitely following the attack. The group has been working in the country for 20 years.

Kai Eide, the United Nations' top official in Kabul, called it a "cowardly attack."

Canadian foreign affairs officials were not immediately available for comment Wednesday.
More on link

Mod note: clarification of title.
Tragic and sad news.

My condolences to the family and friends.

One thing about this is the suspension of the aid being delivered. By standing down it becomes a two-fold loss, our loss of the people, and people's loss of the aid. Hopefully they re-consider the aid missions and don't let them stop the humanitarian efforts to ease peoples suffering.

Thanks for clarifying the title....makes more sense
Nice to see how our oh so progressive navel gazers opposites at rabble/babble are treating this. It appears the poor aid workers had it coming at the hands of noble Taliban freedom fighters, because they were CIA stooges. WTF do these idiots smoke these days? ::)

Danjanou said:
Nice to see how our oh so progressive navel gazers opposites at rabble/babble are treating this. It appears the poor aid workers had it coming at the hands of noble Taliban freedom fighters, because they were CIA stooges. WTF do these idiots smoke these days? ::)


And look at who they use as their source: some socialist moonbat that no one has ever heard of before. I checked his book at Amazon.com and there was only one reviewer of the book. Kind of tells you how many people have read it.
Babble is thee most horrible message forum I've posted on.

They make me sad for humanity even more so than when I read youtube comments.

If it was up to them Canada would pay for the cars the Taliban used for IEDs
A terrible thing, to kill people who are trying to help those in need...condolences to the families.

I have posted on the CBC website, and occasionally still do, but some of the stuff people say on there is downright disgraceful. And it is always the same posters too...

Gnplummer421 :cdn:

Danjanou said:
Nice to see how our oh so progressive navel gazers opposites at rabble/babble are treating this. It appears the poor aid workers had it coming at the hands of noble Taliban freedom fighters, because they were CIA stooges. WTF do these idiots smoke these days? ::)


I must really start following my New Year's resolution to stop looking at the Rabble forums...I'm left short of words for some of what passes for 'discussion' over there.

One of the ladies killed was from my local area, less than an hour away.  I never knew her, but reading that crap made me sick to my stomach.
Good2Golf said:
I must really start following my New Year's resolution to stop looking at the Rabble forums...I'm left short of words for some of what passes for 'discussion' over there.


You may be a pilot but those guys are REALLY up in the clouds.
Flawed Design said:
Babble is thee most horrible message forum I've posted on.

They make me sad for humanity even more so than when I read youtube comments.

If it was up to them Canada would pay for the cars the Taliban used for IEDs

Babble will allow any slanderous comment made against anyone who doesn't toe the party line, while warning and banning anyone who calls them on their hypocrosy. (From experience) Again I will reiterate, "Progressive types"(Or if you prefer OPPRESIVE types) only wish for freedom of speech for those who already agree with them. All other views are to be shouted down and silenced. Watch any political debate and 99 times out of 100 the "progressives" will interupt and shout down anyone rather than let them speak.

Babble posters tend to make me wish abortion was allowed up to the 100th trimester! :threat:
2 Cdo said:
Babble posters tend to make me wish abortion was allowed up to the 100th trimester! :threat:

Retired AF Guy said:
They make me wish it was retroactive!

Shamrock said:
You see, a pregnancy lasts (give or take) nine months.  These nine months are broken down into three trimesters, marking keystones and in the foetus' development; the trimesters are roughly equal to 3 months.  The humor here is there are three trimesters in a pregnancy.  So, for an abortion to occur in the 100th trimester, the foetus would be around 25 years old.

Since this is a privately owned, public forum, we should consider the language we use, especially in light of postings in other fora like this one:
painting all who visit here with the same brush as those making the harshest comments.  Makes life easier for the owner of this site as well.

Debate good, reasoned and passionate debate better, personal attacks, not so good...
Ok I'm as guilty as the rest of us when it comes to the crew over at the rabble/babble and almost feel like a hypocrite for putting on my mod hat here.

There is a line and as Tony said we're starting to step over it here. Lets try and keep focussed on the facts o the story and maintain the morale highground even if they choose not to. I would really hate to start tossing out warnings over this one, but I or another mod will if we have to.
I think people should get warnings for publicly admitting to posting over at babble  ::)