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Canadian Army gets a new flag (2016)


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A new flag for the Army!  Once again, it seems aesthetics is the more important place to invest our efforts over fielding actual operational capability. 


New Canadian Army flag unveiled

Ottawa, Ontario  — The Canadian Army (CA) will advance into the future under a new flag that nods to its proud past.

The flag was unveiled July 14, 2016, during a ceremony on Parliament Hill in which CA members welcomed their new Commander, Lieutenant-General Paul Wynnyk.

The new design features the Canadian flag and a white, stylized maple leaf against a red background. Superimposed on the white maple leaf is the badge that members used during the Second World War and the Korean conflict, consisting of three maple leaves over a pair of crossed swords. Sitting atop the centre leaf is an image of St. Edward’s Crown, a symbol that has been used in coronation ceremonies for over 300 years.

The maple leaf was worn on the collars of Canadian soldiers who fought in the Battle of Vimy Ridge during the First World War, and was included on the new flag to honour the 100th anniversary of the battle, which will be marked in 2017. The same maple leaf flew on the Headquarters flags of the fighting Divisions during the Second World War and still flies across Canada at the CA’s various Division Headquarters. 

The flag traces the evolution of the CA’s identity, reinforcing the link between the brave veterans of Afghanistan and the Cold War period with the heroes of First and Second World Wars and Korea.

“These changes are collectively directed at promoting the military traditions that shape our Army,” said LGen Wynnyk. “Our symbols and history increase the pride that each soldier feels in their trade and duty within the Canadian Army. Maximizing corps and regimental identity is key to our soldiers’ personal and collective esprit de corps.”

The Canadian Army name was restored in 2011 following several decades in which all three military branches were known collectively as the Canadian Armed Forces. The CA’s Divisions and Corps began restoring their identities in 2013 and there have been several additional restorations of Army badges and rank designations since.

The new CA flag will be featured at the Canada Army Run this September.

By Pat Bryden, Army History and Heritage and Caroline Fyfe, Army Public Affairs with files from Steven Fouchard, Army Public Affairs

The promotional image also ignores that we just invested money and effort in a new flag two years ago.

I guess all those new flags can just be tossed to the garbage to make room for the newer?

Edit to fix broken hotlink,
Jarnhamar said:
Needs more maple leafs.

Kind of looks like the back window of your average SUV in Oromocto. Just need to add the 'yellow ribbon'.
Oh my gawd father!

Given that the Canadian Army flag was the Red Ensign, ie the Canadian national flag up until 1968, then shouldn't the Canadian Army flag just be the current Canadian national flag? 

Yay for "Friday before the long weekend" press releases.
I am so glad that there's a new flag! It'll take away the sting from the fact that I can't get my ambulances to work most of the time!
Ambulances don't belong to the Army.  They're part of the "Health Services Empire grab - 2003", which preceded the "MP Empire Grab" (I forget the year) and "Army Signals grab" of 2008.

Yay silos of excellence!
Chris Pook said:
Oh my gawd father!

Given that the Canadian Army flag was the Red Ensign, ie the Canadian national flag up until 1968, then shouldn't the Canadian Army flag just be the current Canadian national flag? 



This would look perfect, perched atop the smouldering ruins of the capital of an enemy nation.
dapaterson - I'm not sure your statement is entirely true. As I understand it, the Army technically owns almost every land vehicle fleet, and is responsible for life cycle fleet replacement. We were told that as crapped out as the LSVW Ambs were, we could not go out and buy a fleet to replace them. We must wait for the Army, which 'owns' the chassis, to replace the entire LSVW fleet. We will then need to beg at the table to have a number of the new vehicles dedicated for conversion to Amb.

Regardless, at the very top, there's still only one national pot of gold given to the CAF, and it keeps getting pissed away on foolishness.
The way it works (I think) is that the Army provides vehicles to Health Services, but they belong to Health Services, but it's the Army that has to replace them.

Almost as if it was designed to keep anyone from being accountable / responsible...
MCG said:
A new flag for the Army!  Once again, it seems aesthetics is the more important place to invest our efforts over fielding actual operational capability. 


The promotional image also ignores that we just invested money and effort in a new flag two years ago.

I guess all those new flags can just be tossed to the garbage?

This flag looks like some staff officer put three different proposals together and some general said, "Put them all together"....

In all seriousness... what a waste. Is there nothing better for Colonel-Lt Generals to do in Ottawa?
Bird_Gunner45 said:
This flag looks like some staff officer put three different proposals together and some general said, "Put them all together"....

In all seriousness... what a waste. Is there nothing better for Colonel-Lt Generals to do in Ottawa?


I actually prefer the look of the previous flag, I don't think the maple leaf looks very professional. Also maybe I am just a simple soldier but can someone explain to me how this flag does this "reinforcing the link between the brave veterans of Afghanistan and the Cold War period with the heroes of First and Second World Wars and Korea".
devil39 said:
Yup....we're idiots
LunchMeat said:
dangerboy said:
... can someone explain to me how this flag does this "reinforcing the link between the brave veterans of Afghanistan and the Cold War period with the heroes of First and Second World Wars and Korea".
VERY good question - likely response:  :crickets:

You have to give more credit than that to our great staff workers in Otawa.

I have no doubt that the answer exists.

At some point in the flurry of high level staff activity that preceded such a momentous decision, a briefing note covering the supporting documentation was carefully arranged by a junior staff officer (read a Lcol) to be passed up the chain for approval. That note contained the words "reinforcing the link between the brave veterans of Afghanistan and the Cold War period with the heroes of First and Second World Wars and Korea".  This sentence was, like the rest of the briefing note, subjected to critical reading by this officers superior, who exerted himself with great acumen as he took on this serious task in order to justify further his very existence in the system. So he underlined that sentence and scribbled in the margin: "Explain?" and sent it back down for review. The whole resulting in the drafting and addition to the supporting material of a 12 page paper of historical-philosophical-anthopological mumbo-jumbo in support of the contention.

Now, they will just dig it up.  :)

Back to Liberal Red.

Never did like the concept of a "white" flag for the Army.