WRT the cam-net shade shelter thingo, on our tour in Baghdad we learned that in MOUT, with Murphy's Law, that thrown grenades, incendiairies, and other similar devices could end up hung up in the cam net or support structure, causing unfortunate incidents over open hatches.
Also, if there was POL jerry cans on the outside, near these shelters, when a nasty was detonated, they too could start the cam net thingos on fire, along with other equipment and material, and I remember quite vividly a similar shelter on a Stryker, placed over the crew area, which indeed did catch on fire after an indendiary incident (along with other equipment), severely burning several soldiers as they tried to escape.
Hence all Australian shade shelters were removed from Type 1 (turret w/25mm M242 configuration) ASLAV under the orders of our ASM, to some rather unhappy blokes that their 'LCF shade shields' were indeed coming down no matter how hard they fought, that being said, only after the news of the burns from the Stryker broke, they humbly changed their minds.
I know an ASLAV is not a MBT, but just a thought