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BMOQ 2018 - Regular Force

Milerup said:
Weird, got a few documents to fill out for either enrolment or ST-Jean, but no offer paper.

Wonder if they forgot it.

I just called them today (A week after accepting the offer) because I never got any documents... they forgot to send them. Got 3 documents to fill out but no offer paper.
OceanBonfire said:
I just called them today (A week after accepting the offer) because I never got any documents... they forgot to send them. Got 3 documents to fill out but no offer paper.

Do not worry mate, I called them last week to figure it out. When you accept verbally on the phone, you are actually accepting the offer. On august 21th, when we enroll, we will sign the official paper and it is suppose to reflect the offer they gave you on the phone. It is how they work he said.

Good day
gazorpazorpfield said:
I think i got selected on June 6th. That call might come next week man!

Checked with the RC today - and still nothing. Doesn't look like Combats are being selected for now. Anyone knows what might be going on with that?
I just got selected on June 6. No phone call. Only e-mail which got sent to junk mail folder and I had 14 days to respond. I responded yesterday on the 13th day and everything went well. Going to BMOQ on August 27. I have no idea how I made it, but I did. Please check your junk mail!
wnhan said:
I just got selected on June 6. No phone call. Only e-mail which got sent to junk mail folder and I had 14 days to respond. I responded yesterday on the 13th day and everything went well. Going to BMOQ on August 27. I have no idea how I made it, but I did. Please check your junk mail!

Congrats!! and will do.
wnhan said:
I just got selected on June 6. No phone call. Only e-mail which got sent to junk mail folder and I had 14 days to respond. I responded yesterday on the 13th day and everything went well. Going to BMOQ on August 27. I have no idea how I made it, but I did. Please check your junk mail!

i hope i dont get selected for that intake as my birthday is on the 26th
gazorpazorpfield said:
What are the BMOQ serials starting in "M", "F" and "Q" reserved for? The M BMOQ's seem to be for ROTP (?) running for only a month. Any ideas?

L is for BMOQ Mod 1 (DEO or ROTP)
Q is BMOQ Mod 2 (DEO or ROTP)
M is BMOQ Mod 1 (RMC)
F is BMOQ Mod 2 (RMC)
R is BMQ

This is the first character in your serial number, the last character (either E or F) is the language of the course. There are a few other options but I'm guessing those are the only ones the majority are wondering about.

I'm a Pte but just accepted a commission and I'm waiting for my BMOQ Mod 2 date, I might be joining some of you on platoon as a future PAO. Sounds like they might be full until January, but that's okay with me because I have some second language training to do anyway.
sheilainthevalley said:
I'm a Pte but just accepted a commission and I'm waiting for my BMOQ Mod 2 date, I might be joining some of you on platoon as a future PAO. Sounds like they might be full until January, but that's okay with me because I have some second language training to do anyway.

Thanks for the clarification! Luckily, I got in this year! What's PAO? Currently trying to get ahead with that Second Language Training!
Congrats Kcomar, see you there! Can you please share your application process sample if you can. Would be informative for future recruits!
Initial application Summer 2017.
Medial & Interview early Feb 2017
Offer received June 22 2018

Hi all,

I was browsing the CAF subreddit and I read the following comment from someone who was in BMOQ:

"I saw exactly the same thing happen on my BMOQ last month, with no repercussions for the instructors. The staff also told us "if you get injured and ask to go to MIR, it's possible you'll miss a critical lesson and fail the course - so think *hard* before making an MIR request". And then they didn't give us access to basic first aid supplies, so people were using socks and elastic bands in place of bandaids because the alternative was MIR...Basic at Vimy need to be sorted out, because right now it's a disaster." - Reddit User

The following was my response to the Reddit commenter:

"This situation seems very extreme and is very offensive from an occupational health and safety perspective. I am about to go to BMOQ at the end of August and this comment has raised some serious concerns within me. It is in my humble opinion, very detrimental to deny soldiers in basic training with access to basic medical supplies such as band aids. I find it appalling that someone who is in need of ONE simple bandaid would need to go to MIR and be reprimanded for preventing further physical damage. Basic medical supplies should be readily available in order to prevent soldiers from going to seek real MIR assistance/services. So what did people do with cuts? Let it get infected? Cover it with socks and hope for the best? This makes absolutely no sense. Please confirm that you are not over exaggerating and/or simply venting due to frustration/stress. I will be inquiring about this situation with my local CFRC concerning access to basic supplies such as bandaids during BMOQ. Let us know please!" - wnhan

Put simply, was my comment out of line? Is the above situation true that they don't give basic medical supplies like bandaids to recruits? If anyone has greater insight, please let me know because I am very nervous now about going to BMOQ.

Kindest regards,

There's always 3 sides to a story: each party tells their part, and then there's what actually happened. I strongly doubt any leader in the CAF would deny bandaids, and the originally commenter made it sound like they were never able to go to CANEX and pick up basic stuff like bandaids, polysporin and second skin. Now I haven't been to the mega, but I would also suggest that it would be literally the only place in the CAF that doesn't have random First Aid Kits sitting around, especially at the Duty NCO's desk/office.

If people are hiding injuries so they don't go to the MIR, that's on them. The instructors are very much right in stating you need to decide whether you are "hurt or injured", and if your injury can wait 24 hours because you're going to miss a critical class/test. You'll have to make these decisions on sometimes an hourly basis, and as a potential officer, make them for your troops throughout your career.

I'd suggest here that if you're scared that you won't have access to bandaids and are reconsidering going to BMOQ, then you are likely not going to be successful on the course when actual stressful situations are presented to you. Realistically what are the chances that a small cut that is being covered by a bandaid is going to get infected unless its on your foot? Probably super slim, unless you're a dirtbag who doesn't shower or wash up.

I will also state that although the candidates may feel like "there's no repercussions" for the instructors, the real truth is that those instructors are held to an impossibly high standard, and are held to account for each course failure as if it was their fault the candidate couldn't complete the test/standard/etc.