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Basic Training/French training and relocating the family.


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Hi there,
New to the forums, just had a question about Basic Training/French training. Will my family be able to relocate with me for these? Will they pay for the relocation expenses? Or will they just stay where they are till all the training is done.
For basic training, your family will not be relocated with you.  Language training is another story.  You may not get that kind of course immediately in your career.  If it is a posting and if you have authorization to move household goods and effects, then yes, your family will relocate with you.  Most costs are covered by the CF in this case.

If you move your family on your own, without authorization, you will not be covered.

You must have your information on French from someone who went through the system a few years ago. 

It used to be that you would go to your Basic and then stay in St Jean for the rest of the year to learn French (or English).

However, French has been cancelled after Basic now for many reasons (expensive, not all candidates who took it would ever use it, that time better spent getting trade qualified, etc).

So now if you pass your Basic you're only in St Jean for a few months before moving on to Gagetown follow on training at another base where it will be very unlikely for you to get a paid move because it's not considered a full posting.  Some people have pulled it off but I don't know the exact circumstances.

Typically your family does not get moved from your home town until your first real posting which only happens after you complete all of your training, and that can easily take well over a year.
I thought they only did about six weeks of language training after BMQ (when they did do it).

Petamocto said:
So now if you pass your Basic you're only in St Jean for a few months before moving on to Gagetown where it will be very unlikely for you to get a paid move because it's not considered a full posting.  Some people have pulled it off but I don't know the exact circumstances.

Are you psychic?  How do you know the member is going to Gagetown after BMQ?  Unless, of course, you know them personally or have been exchanging PMs.
I stand corrected, and you Sir are indeed correct.

I have changed it on my original post to not assume an Army slant (even though this is Army.ca and most of the people will go to Gagetown).
First off, not a Sir.

Second, you do realize that even though you have the site set for Army.ca, there is Air Force and Navy here as well.  All wrapped up in Milnet.ca, right?
Yes I understand the big picture of this site (in that some silly people are actually reading this in blue instead of green).

As I wrote, I granted that you were right and changed my wording accordingly.
