I want to vent and get this out....
I am sick and tired of Vegans. Yup. Vegans, I am ok with vegetarians but vegans and their spreading of absolute crap on the internet and complete junk with blatant misinformation is really getting on my nerves. The mocumentary "Cowspiracy" was abolute garbage, it took me only a few minutes to break down most of there misinformation.
So what it is it that I have an issue with? Simple.
Vegans decide what their version of the truth should be regardless of facts. It has nothing to do with their not eating or using animal products.
The arguments I hear that drive me crazy are as follows
"All sentient beings have a right to live"
Really? First rule of nature to consider on this one, everything that lives, must eventually die. There is no escaping death, from the tiny ant to the largest whale, plants, bacteria cells, even people. We will all meet the end sooner or later. Most grown ups, can accept this and move on. The idea that any living creature should be allowed to live at all cost is ridiculous. We humans, have imposed a moral and legal obligation that life for humans will be preserved and unnecessary death for other animals /living organism will be avoided. However nature throws us curve balls. People drown. Airplanes crash. So on and on, those people had every right to live. How about the person holding a gun on innocent people and the police kill him? That is preservation of life.
To expand further on this. In the natural animal world, we have carnivores, omnivores and herbivores. There is a simple mechanism of natural control established by nature over millions of years. Predatory animals kill off herbivorous animals (usually) and keep populations under control. Think a 1,000 strong herd of wildbeest being controlled by 30 lions. Without the predators, you get a repeat of the Yellowstone National Park issue from years ago (No wolves, Elk population grew vastly out of control and began damaging the environment). So death is not just a mandatory part of the life cycle but it is essential to a functioning eco-system.
"We have grown beyond needing animals for food"
This one is worth a chuckle. As Dr Nicolette Hann Niman puts it, you can meet most of your nutrient requirements on a vegetarian diet but not very well. Protein, iron, other minerals and vitamins can be obtained from meat sources, in the best form. You need 20 times the broccolli to meat the same protein requirements as a simply 6 oz lamb chop. I know of many medical doctors that will not state this publicly but they have insisted that pregnant woman consume red meat. I personally know of one Vegan who nearly died from her dietary choices and needed a blood transfusion from her sister to survive (extremely low blood iron). Our brains have adapted from millions (yes millions) of years of eating meat and fat. Our ancient ancestors needed animals for a bulk of their nutrition. Especially during the fierce cold winters of the ice age (and inuits on traditional diets do very well with 90% hunted meat!!!). Humans in North America, Asia, Europe and Africa hunted Mammoth and Elephants species to live. We also hunted Aurochs, Deer, Elk, Seals, Wild Horse, fished to survive. We evolved to eat an omnivores diet. Want to compare us to Chimpanzees? They have been known to eat meat as well including hunting and eating monkeys.
The harvesting of food is another issue these morons do not consider. If we go with an ALL plant based diet (lack many nutrients NOT available to humans, we are not ruminants), then we will need to eat triple or more times the calories. That means harvesting more crops (nuts, fruits, vegetables and grain) which can have a more devastating impact on the land (the more land we cultivate, the more Carbon loss to the air). Many places inhabited by humans on this globe that can support any kind of crop and can only grow grasses, sedges, mosses, lichens, forbs, etc. These lands only herbivorous animals can survive. We can not eat GRASS or similar plants (we can not ever digest cellulose or hemicellulose matter) but we can eat the animals that eat those plants. Or milk them. Or take wool from them.
Sorry Vegans, you lose on this one, huge. People should get a portion of their diet from wholesome protein sources.
"Cows need HUGE amounts of water"
This is another number that gets overinflated (As in Cowspiracy). They calculate the number of liters a cow will need to have a calf, they then calculate how much that calf needs in water over its 18-24 months of typical life before slaughter. Then they calculate how much grain that is grown to feed cattle (THey make the mistake of assuming ALL cattle are even fed grains), for this they assume the diet of the cattle is all grain (NO ONE ACTUALLY DOES THAT). Then they add in a few more calculations for washing the cow, transporting to slaughter. A few more for washing the carcass. In a nut shell, their numbers are Grossly overinflated for shock value (The propaganda spreaders of Vegan movement know this and do not care).
First, my cattle, sheep and goats are on pasture from Late April to Late November/December. In all that time, they are given clean water pumped from a nearby source. They drink the water, they pee it back onto the ground. That helps with plant and soil hydration which is essential for a healthy eco-system. Hydrated soils function better allowing their micro-organism to function at peak capacity. Pound for pound, a cow, a deer, a bison, a muskox what ever will drink the same amount of water per the conditions.
Second, in the early spring and mid fall, I hardly have to give my cows or sheep any water (sometimes I go days without pumping any into their troughs) because the RAIN does it all for me. Ya, of course that is not considered by closed minded Vegans trying to make their point.
Third, In the winter months, the ruminant animals barely drink anything and will take a protion of their water in snowfall. Kind of the same as point two really.
"What about all that Methane?"
First consider sources of methane. Its always been there and always will be. Methane comes not just from Cattle but horses, many other living creatures as well. It also comes from rice fields, swamps, marshes, etc. We will always have methane in some quantity.
Next, methanatrophs or Methane Oxidizing Bacteria. This is bacteria that is naturally present (yes ruminants carry them) that feed solely on methane as their food source. Mother nature had this one figured out LONG time ago.
More to follow....