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Anthony Klumpenhower Killed in Afghanistan Accident-18 April/2007

Statements by MND Gordon O Connor


Statement by the Minister of National Defence on the Passing of a Canadian Soldier

NR-07.026 - April 19, 2007

OTTAWA - The Honourable Gordon O'Connor, Minister of National Defence, issued the following statement today:

"We deeply mourn the loss of a dedicated soldier and a great Canadian. A member of Canada's Special Operations Forces died on April 18 due to injuries from an accident that occurred in Afghanistan.

This is a time of great sorrow for his family and friends and I would like to extend my deepest condolences to them during this difficult time. My thoughts and prayers are with them.

This soldier served valiantly alongside his comrades to help build a better and brighter future for Afghans. His tragic passing illustrates some of the risks that the selfless men and women of the Canadian Forces face every day in carrying out their duties.

Canada's efforts in Afghanistan also mean that Canadians here at home can continue to live in safety and security. I know Canadians are proud of our soldiers and forever grateful. Their actions and selflessness will endure."

The name of the soldier is being withheld at the request of the family.
He may have fallen but he's now climbing upwards to join the other courageous warriors in heaven. :cdnsalute:
:( hubby used to work with him ... he's in Wainwright right now... not looking forward to breaking the news...
It's not how this soldier died that makes him a hero- it's how he lived.

Cliche- but pertinent.

RIP  :cdn:
I did my BMQ with him in Gagetown back in '02.

He was a good guy.

As well, my condolences to his family and friends.