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And you thought YOUR cubicle neighbour was bad ...

The Bread Guy

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This, from the Public Service Labour Relations and Employment Board - also attached if the link doesn't work for you ...
...  Ms. Leclerc described Mr. X as approximately six feet tall and weighing 180 pounds. Initially, her relationship with him was positive even though he was noisy, told jokes loudly, and allowed himself to be flatulent, which made another female colleague laugh. When that colleague left, Ms. Leclerc occupied the office next to Mr. X’s. She specified that she and he were in cubicles, not closed offices.

14 Ms. Leclerc testified that over time, she increasingly had less tolerance for Mr. X’s attitude. Among other things, she recounted that Mr. X entered her cubicle and used her computer without her permission. On another occasion, he interrupted her while she was speaking with her supervisor, to ask for her opinion about a woman whom he had just met. Ms. Leclerc indicated that she had informed Mr. X that that behaviour was unacceptable, which displeased him. She also related another incident in which he yelled at a colleague who had not reconnected the fan that he had lent him. Ms. Leclerc explained that she had confronted Mr. X after that incident to tell him not to yell, to which he apparently replied that “[translation] in any case, everyone yells in the office.”

15 According to Ms. Leclerc, Mr. X bothered other people. In particular, he ran a white noise machine in his office, which affected their concentration. He also had the habit of making bizarre noises, such as strange yawns, which also bothered those who were trying to work. Ms. Leclerc also told of how Mr. X had the strange habit of walking barefoot in the office and then washing his feet with vinegar in front of the others, who found it disgusting ...
Decision:  you will move Mr. X someplace else.
I think you misread that.  The grievor was told to move, which baffles me.
I'll hate to think what this Mr X's household is like....

Other workers testified about Mr. X’s strange behaviour, including making “bizarre noises, such as strange yawns,” walking around the office barefoot and washing his feet with vinegar in front of others “who found it disgusting.”

I am sure a lot of us can relate to this comment, but when it's your boss...it's even more difficult to address.

A lawyer for the government said it appeared the dispute was a personality conflict, not a matter of illness and incapacity.

I believe you both misread:

The employer (Treasury Board on behalf of the Parole Board of Canada) was ordered to move the grievor to another building, and then compensate her for her lost sick leave.

And Occam, it should not baffle you: Being moved to another building is exactly what the grievor was asking, so finding in her favour, the arbitrator had no choice but to grant that, especially as the infamous Mr. X was not involved in the case at all (not a party and did not appear as witness).
I had a male assistant working for me, he liked opera and when involved in working on the files at the computer would put on headphone and listen to his music. While doing this he would hum or sing, but not to loudly. One day our new officer comes running up to me and says “X” is having a stroke, I lean over and listen and say “Nah that just him singing” But really his singing did sound like an elliptic goat and someone have a stroke/seizure.

I am not about to throw stones, my singing is pretty bad as well....  ;D
I am sure we've all heard popular musicians sing live, and received a shock as to how they are sounding. There is a lot of lip syncing these days, and when that is not being done, there is auto tune.

Famous words...."you are going to Hollywood".
Colin P said:
... his singing did sound like an elliptic goat and someone have a stroke/seizure.
I'll still take that over the vinegar foot bath guy, ANY day.
Furthermore...I'll take a bad singer over those that don't shower in the MORNINGS before leaving home, and instead do it before bed, only to wake up in the morning putting their clothes on to leave the house. It's like smokers that can't really smell their own odour, when everybody else can
opcougar said:
Furthermore...I'll take a bad singer over those that don't shower in the MORNINGS before leaving home, and instead do it before bed, only to wake up in the morning putting their clothes on to leave the house. It's like smokers that can't really smell their own odour, when everybody else can

And I'll take all those people over someone who seems to bitch about every little thing...  ::)

FWIW, I used to do PT at the end of the day and showered after. Not in the morning. Seriously? You really need to lighten up....

So went into work unshowered and put your work colleagues through all that? Hmmm...interesting, I guess morning shower is a tedious routine. I have always wondered if these same people change their underwear

PMedMoe said:
And I'll take all those people over someone who seems to ***** about every little thing...  ::)

FWIW, I used to do PT at the end of the day and showered after. Not in the morning. Seriously? You really need to lighten up....
opcougar said:
So went into work unshowered and put your work colleagues through all that? Hmmm...interesting, I guess morning shower is a tedious routine. I have always wondered if these same people change their underwear

I still wonder if you are an epic troll or just plain that obtuse.  Everyone of your posts either screams I don't want to do my own research into an issue or classify you as the weirdo in the office that everyone avoids.  Either way well played man. 
opcougar said:
So went into work unshowered and put your work colleagues through all that?

Is there a rule that one must shower in the mornings? If I had done my PT in the mornings, then I would have showered before work.

Makes me wonder WTF you do that requires you to shower more than once in a 24 hour period....
Ah...name calling is so passe'. I think it's fair to say the person that doesn't take hygiene more seriously will be a better fit for a weirdo. I mean how is this different from Mr X who is airing his stinky feet?

MJP said:
I still wonder if you are an epic troll or just plain that obtuse.  Everyone of your posts either screams I don't want to do my own research into an issue or classify you as the weirdo in the office that everyone avoids.  Either way well played man.
That will be the same rule that applies to why people have breakfast in the mornings

PMedMoe said:
Is there a rule that one must shower in the mornings? If I had done my PT in the mornings, then I would have showered before work.

Makes me wonder WTF you do that requires you to shower more than once in a 24 hour period....
opcougar said:
I think it's fair to say the person that doesn't take hygiene more seriously will be a better fit for a weirdo. I mean how is this different from Mr X who is airing his stinky feet?

A. I showered. I take my hygiene quite seriously.

B. I didn't wash my feet in a cubicle.

opcougar said:
That will be the same rule that applies to why people have breakfast in the mornings

I didn't eat breakfast.  Did I break some other sacred law there too??

opcougar said:
. I mean how is this different from Mr X who is airing his stinky feet?

Probably about the same as the guy who rants endlessly on the inequity of paying child support.....

Anyway dude.  Have a good one, I think I will just add you to the ignore list, that way we can just ignore each other and you can carry on doing whatever it is you do.
This woman was more than accommodated, I cannot believe they sided with her. If she was so scared, find another position in the PS and move buildings. I find it very telling that Mr. X filed a harassment complaint, and it was partially upheld. There's 2 sides to this story, she even had her own office!!
PuckChaser said:
This woman was more than accommodated, I cannot believe they sided with her. If she was so scared, find another position in the PS and move buildings. I find it very telling that Mr. X filed a harassment complaint, and it was partially upheld. There's 2 sides to this story, she even had her own office!!

I agree.  Apparently she was the type that always wanted things her way.
Oldgateboatdriver said:
I believe you both misread:

And Occam, it should not baffle you: Being moved to another building is exactly what the grievor was asking, so finding in her favour, the arbitrator had no choice but to grant that, especially as the infamous Mr. X was not involved in the case at all (not a party and did not appear as witness).

You're right; I misread it.  I completely missed where the adjudicator stated that the employer failed to establish that the employee could not carry out their work at another location.

I must up the caffeine intake in the forenoon...