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All idiots are the same unless it's on the internet

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Army.ca Myth
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For those of you new to the internet, here are some points that may work wonders for you when posting on message forums.

If your on a military message forum, don't start going on about how you think soldiers are baby killers and the army should be disbanned. Like wise don't go on a heavy metal music forum and tell them why country is so much better. Don't go to a video game forum and start telling them how you think video games are for nerds.   See a pattern here?   If you really want to share your opinion in a place where no one cares to listen, take a city buss and go nuts.

Bringing up old posts that have run their course is probably a bad idea.   Bringing up an old post, making personal attacks and going beserk in one of your initial posts is probably a worse idea.  

You can argue 2+2 is 4. If your being a moron about it no one is going to care how right you are. If you   swing by message boards when your bored just to start a fight for somethng to do, your a loser. Go make some friends on the debate teams.

If you played hockey as a kid and your on a junior team, don't go to www.hockeyfanaticans.com and try to pass yourself off as an NHL all star. Your gonna trick a few of the people around but the older guys are gonna see right through the BS. Then your gonna look like a dummy trying to back track and say "what you really ment".
The same of course can be said for any other type of forum, even military ones. You may think your a great liar but someone is gonna catch ya.

Heres a biggie. Reading a book about the navy seals or watching a movie about politics (lets say michael moores movie) does not make you an expert on the subject. Nor does taking something you heard from one web site and bringing it to another. Your just regurgitating what you heard and if you don't understand it or can't explain it, it doesn't do anyone much good.

Why is this in the political forum?(aside from an oversite on my part)
When your on a message forum you gotta be political. You don't shit in your own bed, you don't go to a different country and take a leak on their flag and you don't go to a message forum and try to but heads with anyone you can. Have some class
While I agree with many of your points...I found some things ironic.  You call people morons, while I can pick out at least ten grammar and spelling errors. 

Books and movies are some excellent resources, and it's better to regurgitate those facts than to know absolutly nothing about them. 

Also, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here, and this is going to sound more condescending than I mean it to be, but...What makes you such an expert?

Just some points I found somewhat interesting.
CF104Starfighter said:
Also, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here, and this is going to sound more condescending than I mean it to be, but...What makes you such an expert?

Experience Grasshoppa, Experience. He has, you lack.
Ah, yes, I forgot all about the almighty  reserves. ::)
ay yi yi that's not going to go over well..
Probably the wrong place to say that, actually, it's definetly the wrong place to say that.

Now I'm not going to tell you to take that back, that would be childish, but you need to drastically reconsider your opinion of the reserves.
As you are more than likely about t find out, many people hold the reserves in high regard.
scott1nsh said:
Experience Grasshoppa, Experience. He has, you lack.

While they do come from the same Latin root, experience does not equate to expertise.  I could gather experience playing chess 8 hours per day for decades, and never be expert enough to beat Bobby Fischer (or expert enough to beat my grandfather for that matter).

Experience does indicate that Ghost (and others with a very large post count) are a known quantity, and most likely familiar with the etiquette and banter in this little corner of the web.  I'm not sure that makes him an expert on posting etiquette in internet forums (although it probably does make him respected enough to offer a little free advice around here).

If you're going to point out other people's spelling and grammatical errors, you should absolutely ensure that yours are up to snuff.
Che said:
ay yi yi that's not going to go over well..
Probably the wrong place to say that, actually, it's definetly the wrong place to say that.

Now I'm not going to tell you to take that back, that would be childish, but you need to drastically reconsider your opinion of the reserves.
As you are more than likely about t find out, many people hold the reserves in high regard.
I'm sorry, that might be taken the wrong way.  You're right...Maybe of the reservists that serve this country are hardworking people, one of them being my sister.  Many reservists form the backbone of the military, like some of the troops serving overseas, while some reservists use the military only as a part-time job and reap all the benefits.  There are reservists that get many benefits they do not deserve, and many of them are quite arrogant.  I'm not even in the military and I know this. 

And while he may be giving free advice, he's giving it in a rather arrogant way.  An excellent example of this is, "Heres a biggie. Reading a book about the navy seals or watching a movie about politics (lets say michael moores movie) does not make you an expert on the subject."  While it does not make somone an expert on something, it helps them form an opinion, and give their free advice, advice that they are entitled to give.  And please, keep in mind I only three out of six points that I felt to be a little sketchy. 

I really didn't come here to start any arguments, and I'm sorry if I've sparked any.
Well I'll steer clear of the Lazy Reservist topic, it's been beaten to death here, years ago in fact.

I know ghost is addressing a breed of poster that even I, the all-patient one :D, is growing weary of, and I welcome his attack on said breed as a refreshing (If not humorous) angle to approach the bandwidth suckers with, their own angle in fact.

And a warning to all (El Che grows tired) there is a preview button...use it...save it...take a deep breath...maybe a nap...a light jog..a snack maybe?
Actually, Ghost is only highlighting forum policies.   As stated here, http://army.ca/forums/threads/17343.0.html, we are trying to limit uninformed, armchair quarterbacking and the posting of incorrect or false information.   Obviously, Ghost's post has come about due to a spat of these kinds of posts, most notably our recent little episode with Kaitain, who posted virulent personal attacks which seemed to be based only upon Michael Moore's latest escapade.   This is not an arrogant demand, it is a reiteration of the fact that we are sick of having to constantly address problems related to people errantly posting inaccurate information that they received from distant sources, such as their brother's boyfriend's cousin or a book on Navy SEALS that has lots of pictures of MP5's.

As for your condemnation of his post and questioning his ability to do so, don't bother.   He has been around these boards enough to know how things work.   As well, for an "almighty reservist", he has done a couple tours overseas, so he has a decent enough background to be taken seriously here.   You, on the other hand, are a 16 year old non-factor here; so why don't you sit back and observe for awhile instead of trying to rock the boat with 14 posts.
His demand was not arrogant, the way he put it was.

Look, man, I was not condemning his post, I was merely questioning SOME parts of it.  I've already pointed this out.  It was never my intention to cause a stir, or how you've put it, "rock the boat", and I already apoligized for my reservist comment.  And I can assure you, I know people who have accomplished more than "a couple tours overseas", my dad included.  So please, while I don't have firsthand experience, I do have secondhand experience, which is more than many have.  Again, I will apologize for any controversy I've made, but perhaps next time, you should learn to be a little more tolerant, and not be such an asshole to a newcomer. 
And I can assure you, I know people who have accomplished more than "a couple tours overseas", my dad included.  So please, while I don't have firsthand experience, I do have secondhand experience, which is more than many have.

Good for you.

Again, I will apologize for any controversy I've made, but perhaps next time, you should learn to be a little more tolerant, and not be such an asshole to a newcomer.

I tried that on newcomers 1-1000, it got old after that.

Bottom line, you're simply another guy coming here to comment on how we do things.  Try adding a bit to the forum before deciding to criticize the senior members.

Discussion closed.
Infanteer said:
Good for you.

I tried that on newcomers 1-1000, it got old after that.

Bottom line, you're simply another guy coming here to comment on how we do things.   Try adding a bit to the forum before deciding to criticize the senior members.

Discussion closed.

I wasn't bragging.  I was simply using it as an example to back up my secondhand experience claim.

Bottom line, I was not coming here to comment on how you do things.  Perhaps if you weren't so quick to look at my post count, you would see that I was not belittling how you do things on this forum, I was picking out individual inconsistincies about a certain member.  It's my second or third day here, why would I be commenting on how you do things?  And speaking of which, I really have no idea where you got that I was commenting on how things are done on here.  I could really care less if he's a senior member, I found certain things about his post interesting, and I picked them out. 

Also, I feel I've been very mature about this, and I've even apologized publically twice.  You on the other hand felt that it was your duty to go on a little power trip, and be the big man for everyone on an internet forum.  Seriously, man, when a sixteen year old "non-factor" is being more mature about a situation, you need to grow up.
104,don't take Ghost's,Infanteer's posts to heart they mean well for all and have a few yrs under their belts and have knowledge to pass on for those who wish to listen and learn but they had to post the way they did   because many don't take the advice given about the conduct this board expects.

We have members, regular and reserve who have and are still serving for over 30yrs who give very good valuable advice to those who ask but in the interim we have those who know next to nothing pipe up with false hoods which in our opinion can in the worst case can hurt somebody that's why Ghost and Infanteer posted the posts they did so as a 16yr old I can see how you took it the wrong way.

We are all here too help those who wish to come after us. :cdn: :salute:
Alright, thanks for the decent reply.  I really have no problem with the terms of service here, and I don't find it fair that I was singled out by Infanteer.  And as a new comer, I do have some advice for the both of you.  You may or may not care to hear this, it doesn't bother me, I feel like saying it.  Making sarcastic, arrogant, and immature remarks to someone new to the site is not a smart way to upkeeping a good reputation, for members as well as guests.  Believe me, I won't claim to know more than serving members of the CF for a second. 

And thanks for mustering a mature, helpful reply, Spr.Earl, it's appreciated.
104,their remarks are not sarcastic, arrogant or immature they are stating facts as we see them
As we   have a lot of trouble with poser's,arm chair generals etc. posting false info and personal attacks etc.
At times posts like theirs are necessary.

I know where they are coming from and understand after awhile here you will see what they meant by their posts. ;)
So as I said don't take their comments to heart they mean well for all.

CF104Starfighter said:
  So please, while I don't have firsthand experience, I do have secondhand experience, which is more than many have.  Again, I will apologize for any controversy I've made, but perhaps next time, you should learn to be a little more tolerant, and not be such an asshole to a newcomer. 


You're going to preach tolerance now.  I find that ironic given your initial post in this thread.

We don't judge on spelling and grammar here unless a message is so poorly phrased and typed that it is unreadable.  And Ghost was obviously writing in response to a recent "problem child" that invaded our little haven of good sense and shared information.  I think we are all quite protective of the image this site desires to portray, and as for "second hand experience" - that's great - posting info from books and movies is fine, if they are considered respectable works of value.  I for one am tired of seeing George C. Scott quotes posted as Patton quotes because they saw Scott say something in the movie.  A quote from Carlos d'Este or Ladislas Farago or Martin Blumenson, three of his "official" biographers, would carry so much more weight, don't you think?

Mister Moore's works are so bound by controversy - and bear in mind that his movie, unlike a scholarly work on the subject, has no footnotes or references - that they are of little value in aiding materially to a discussion simply because no one has any idea what was made up and what wasn't.  For a look at his methodology, do a google search on "Bowling for Columbine" and read some of the online criticisms of this earlier work of Moore's.  Entertaining, thought-provoking yes, it certainly was.  As a reference for serious study, 'fraid not.
(I just noticed i practicially wrote a book below)
CF104Starfighter firstly welcome to the board, this is the first thread I've read from you. It didn't start out so well but it's getting a little better eh? I'm glad to see your keeping your head on and not exploding.

Regarding your comments about the reserves, I'm glad you saw the error of your comment. You seem to be a smart well spoken kid so I'm sure you see the irony in a 16 year old civilian commenting about the reserves. Especially considering you have family in there. I hope you don't take your sisters or fathers? service as a joke, you'd probably be surprised at what the reserves did in WW2.

Regarding my spelling and grammar. I've openly admitted to how atrocious it is. I've joked about it in the forums and have made an effort to improve it. Using the spell checker i fixed all the mistakes it found. In the very few times I have commented on someones spelling and grammar it has been because the post was unreadable or barely so. I've counted a few mistakes in your posts but i really don't care to point them out. I don't care of you spell a word wrong or you miss a word here or there, thats being an elitist. If your going to attack someone for spelling a few words wrong here or there your posts better be without a single mistake or you'll be a hypocrite.

I've read over my message and I don't see where I've called someone a moron nor do i see myself attacking them for spelling or grammar.

Am i being arrogant? Well maybe, whats arrogant to you is confident to me right?   My post was infact in response to another new commer to this forum going off on a rant making an ass of themselves. They didn't introduce themselves, they didn't do some research, they ignored the unwritten forum etiquette that most places have. They just hit the reply button and started firing away. They got banned for their stupidity as well.   My post was intended to
A. Give new comers (perhaps such as yourself) a little dose of humility bringing to their attention certain types of behavior won't be smiled on and
B. Give the older members here a little laugh because being human too, I'm willing to bet they get tired of having to take young new posters here, sit them down and explain the rules to them. By laughing about these things I'm willing to bet we lower the stress felt by the long time posters and we keep them AND their experience around vice them leaving. Which would mean questions about the military get answered by young teen-age civilians with second hand knowledge.

What makes me an expert? Nothing. I've never claimed to be one. I have been posting on this board a little while and I have posted on message forums since you were 6 so while I'm not an expert I'd like to think I've picked up a few dos and do nots. (Now before you think I'm attacking you for your age I'm not, I'm merely using it as an example)

regarding taking what you learn in books an movies and passing it on. You've said basically a little knowledge is better then no knowledge right? I have to disagree. Theres been a few movies and especially books that are military orientated that spread false information or are inaccurate. Someone not knowing any better will take this and pass it off as first hand knowledge. Pretty soon an incorrect fact is making its way around like wildfire. We've had that problem here. Someone reads some crap in a book then come here and try to pass it off as first hand knowledge. I can PM you the name of a military book that many take as 100% truth but is full of bullshit where the author came upon his information "second hand"

My young friend i think you should take some time and do a little research to see just how many new people come here and instead of knocking, kick the door open and start yelling. Then (and you may see some similarities here) when the new poster finds his actions and words are not liked or approved by 99% of the posters here, they go on the defensive and throw up the "I'm just a newbie/civilian/teen-ager don't be so hard on me guys I didn't know any better" line.   Again my post was intended to combat that.   During your research I think you'll find I've often (as other  members here have) been very tolerant towards new comers. When they ask the same question over and over, we patiently explain it to them over and over. I think you'll find people who are ignorant or think they know it all get much more negative attention from the members here than new members or even those asking completely stupid questions.

I think you've been very mature about this as you've said and i respect that however before you comment on how we treat new members here or our actions, you should spend some time doing research as i said.   Your welcome to point out things you don't like, pick apart someones post and call them on whatever BUT when someone does the same to you don't fall back on only being this or only being that. IE I'm just new here, I'm such and such an age, I'm not even in the army, I'm just a girl.
If your going to throw a punch make sure you can take a punch

On the bright side a new member reading this post may learn a lot and become a good addition to the board,   thanks to you and my arrogant post. In the army i believe thats making an example of someone so everyone else will learn the lesson.
Pretty neat how that works eh?   ;)
Excellent post Ghost!!!

Agreed Ghost....it keeps the site clean..and real.

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