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Aircrew Selection/ACS (Merged)

I applied the 11 august, im already scheduled for ACS , im an ROTP applicant and im 16... do you have any tip ? thank you !

Do you think that depending of the results you get at CFAT / Fitness test / Interview, it can speed up or slow down the process, aka your chances to be called earlier for ACS? In other words, will you be called in priority if you crush those tests?

Good luck everyone.
I haven’t done neither interview and physical test but I have a good school transcript and I crushed the CFAT , I’m scheduled for 7-8 november
TL;DR: if at first you don't succeed, pick yourself up and try again... and get ready to wait 

Last year at ACS I only passed for AEC and I was super bummed because it wasn't a trade I wanted. However, I was encouraged to try again next year because I came close to making ACSO. And so I left determined to work hard on my shortcomings and come back for retesting.

Fast-forward to 18 months later, and I passed for ACSO yesterday!! Even better, I was told that I passed "well above the cutoff for ACSO". Hard work does pay off!

This morning I dropped off my file at the recruitment centre, and talked to the recruiter about next steps. Next up: Aircrew Medical, then Merit List, and hopefully Job Offer. He said things can go really quickly after aircrew medical, seeing as ACSO is under "high priority hiring" right now. Who knows what that really means...

Anyway, good luck to everyone journeying through this lengthy process!!

Still waiting here. Been giving 3 sets of dates for ACS and not selected to write the test yet. Been 9 month since my CFAT. Talked to the recruiters and said it's competitive even to get a spot at ACS. I had a very good score in my CFAT but my file overall "score" was lower it seems. Wasn't told why. Maybe it's my age (28) or maybe my grades before university (had poor grades before going in engineering for both my bachelor and master with very high GPA). Or it could be that people with more than 1 trade application have priority. Anyway, hanging on even if it takes two years! Good luck to all applicants.
Hey guys I just completed ACS testing a few days ago, passed for all three trades (Pilot, ACSO, and AEC), and thought I should share my experience and some thoughts on them.

First my background:

RC: Winnipeg
Trade Pref: AEC (chose only AEC)
Applied: Jun 03 2018
First Contact: June 04 2018
CFAT: July 5 2018
Medical Part 1: July 5 2018
Additional medical forms submitted: July 12 2018
ACS dates confirmed: July 16 2018 (Was not given options, was told my ACS testing was on Nov 15-16)
Interview: Aug 14 2018
Medical Part 2: Aug 14 2018
ACS testing: Nov 15-16

First thing first, I cannot share anything about the content of the test itself, but I can only tell you, that the only thing you can realistically prepare for are mental arithmetic (and be sure to be ready to answer them fast). This is coming from a guy with fresh memory who just wrote the test. The test itself is honestly about testing your aptitude, and it is not meant to be "easy as a result of a good prep". Also, it has been mentioned a numerous times on this thread, but speedtimedistance.info helps. A ton.

The test will be hard, and you will, 100% think that you failed. But do not worry, everyone (at least everyone at my ACS) thought they did. There will be components of the test where you will, most likely, have guessed all of the questions, and would have had 0 idea of what you just did. Do not worry, I felt that, and guessed the majority of the questions on 2 tests, and I still passed for all three trades.

So my point is, the testing is done over two days, and please, do not give up. After the first day, don't think about how poorly you did (because you didn't) and let that feeling eat away your precious sleep time. Get good amount of sleep, that is the best prep you can ever do.

In terms of how many people passed at my ACS? I don't know the exact number so don't quote me on this, but while I was sitting around the lounge waiting for results, most of us shared our results (of course, not all of us did, and they had all the rights not to):
There were 18 of us, and about 11-12 guys shared their results, and here's what I've understood:
5 people passed for all three trades
1 have passed for only ACSO
3 have passed for only AEC

So there's a good pass rate, you may not have gotten what you wanted, but majority of us still passed for, at least one trade.

And lastly, enjoy your time in Trenton! The staff and the people around you writing the test are all nice people and make yourself comfortable and good luck on your tests!!

FSTG said:
Still waiting here. Been giving 3 sets of dates for ACS and not selected to write the test yet. Been 9 month since my CFAT. Talked to the recruiters and said it's competitive even to get a spot at ACS. I had a very good score in my CFAT but my file overall "score" was lower it seems. Wasn't told why. Maybe it's my age (28) or maybe my grades before university (had poor grades before going in engineering for both my bachelor and master with very high GPA). Or it could be that people with more than 1 trade application have priority. Anyway, hanging on even if it takes two years! Good luck to all applicants.

I'm in the same boat. I was given an option to pick three dates for ACS (back in September), and all those dates came and went. I emailed the file manager and was told that because of my entry option (CEOTP), I was low on the priority list for ACS, as they are currently filling ACS spots for ROTP applicants (DEO is also low priority). I was advised to keep my file open until April 1st, as they aren't accepting CEOTP and DEO spots for ACS until then (according to my file manager).

It sucks, but at least I'm not leaping for my cellphone at every "ding" it makes waiting for that email.... but I still will, just in case...  :orly:
FIFO said:
I'm in the same boat. I was given an option to pick three dates for ACS (back in September), and all those dates came and went. I emailed the file manager and was told that because of my entry option (CEOTP), I was low on the priority list for ACS, as they are currently filling ACS spots for ROTP applicants (DEO is also low priority). I was advised to keep my file open until April 1st, as they aren't accepting CEOTP and DEO spots for ACS until then (according to my file manager).

It sucks, but at least I'm not leaping for my cellphone at every "ding" it makes waiting for that email.... but I still will, just in case...  :orly:

Keep checking for those dings as you may get a spot before that if there are cancelations haha. Else i've been told we are about 200-250 candidates in line for ACS so it will prolly take a while. Good luck to you and hang in there!
I'm applying as DEO Pilot and I'm a bit concerned about how my interview went. There were very few questions asked of me and I felt like it was more of a yes/no questionnaire than anything.

I didn't get asked to talk about the job very much or the training involved. Everything that was asked I answered well, but I'm a bit concerned and I guess unsatisfied because I was expecting the interview to go much more in depth into job details, training details, and leadership + teamwork skills. I'm a bit confused because, as I'm aware, the Pilot trade is very competitive and the interview did not feel "competitive" at all. I had a lot more to say about the position but didn't talk about it because I wasn't asked (e.g. "where will you be training?").

How was the interviewer able to determine my eligibility for the position with so few questions asked?

Should I be concerned at all? Some have told me that the interview doesn't have a huge impact and is more of pass/fail; is it? Others have told me that a good interview helps, but is less impactful because air crew trades depend more on ACS scores for competition listing.

That said, do ACS scores contribute to your scoring as a candidate on the competition list? I already completed ACS and qualified with strong scores for the Pilot trade, maybe that had some impact on the ease of my interview?

In the end, the interviewer said that he would recommend me for Pilot as soon as all my medical and various checks were done but I wanted to see if anyone else, especially pilots, had similar interviews.

I am probably overthinking this but any input would be much appreciated.

Pilot application was, in my experience, largely pass-fail. If you passed ACS, and didn't red flag medical, history or the interview, you were in. The interview was, yeah, a yes-no rubber stamp.

If you rocked ACS, I wouldn't worry. Save that for training, cause you'll be there soon enough.
My experience was pretty similar, the interview seemed more about collecting data that could be put into a scoring matrix (work/volunteer experience, education, etc.). ACS seems like it plays a bigger role in assessing capacity for pilot training. If you ask at the recruiting centre they should be able to give you an idea of how competitive your file is overall, though not a specific ranking.

Best of luck!
I also had a very short interview they only asked me 3 questions.... I passssed ACS for all trade on the 7/8 november only 2 on 13 passed for pilot. For people who are interested i heard that the 28 27 november 4 on 22 passed for pilot . I'm now waiting for toronto.. Does anybody knows what happens there? Also, im only 16 and im for ROTP do you think it gives me less chance ti get selected? Thank you and great process all!
yolotuber said:
I also had a very short interview they only asked me 3 questions.... I passssed ACS for all trade on the 7/8 november only 2 on 13 passed for pilot. For people who are interested i heard that the 28 27 november 4 on 22 passed for pilot . I'm now waiting for toronto.. Does anybody knows what happens there? Also, im only 16 and im for ROTP do you think it gives me less chance ti get selected? Thank you and great process all!

There are intake unmbers for both ROTP and DEO, so you don't have a less chance for ROTP unless they are taking less ROTP during a fiscal year. I think this year they are taking a few more ROTP than DEO pilots but my MCC told me there is only one slot left for DEO, so there might not be that many left for ROTP either.


Here are the intake lists from the beginning of this fiscal year for both DEO and ROTP.
How they can have fulled the ROTP positions if they havent give any job offer for rotp yet?
I think im the only one for 1st year rotp who passed acs
yolotuber said:
How they can have fulled the ROTP positions if they havent give any job offer for rotp yet?
I think im the only one for 1st year rotp who passed acs

I'm not sure when ROTP offers usually go out. Is it the same time that regular university offers go out in Feb.? If it is then you're still good to go.

Are you planning on graduating high school this year and going to RMC in Sept. 2019?

I only assumed that they might be taken already because we are 3/4 through the fiscal year.
Yes this is exactly that, i'm planning my application in order to start my BMOQ un july 2019.