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Some of the bought & paid for media


It says a lot about modern day journalism that the two can be confused.
Agree fully with both you and HT's post that you quoted.

I labeled him that way purposely, and two-fold. One, I am gatekeeping the concept of "journalism", specifically what I consider to be the requisite double/triple sourcing that accompanies "news", at least in the MSM. Jamie Vernon going to the internet to fact-check JR doesn't meet that bar, IMO.

The 2nd is to highlight the changing nature of where we get the information that is important to each of us, be it facts, opinion, education, edutainment, infotainment, or simple gossip. That landscape has shifted considerably in recent years.

I can definitely relate to JR. He is exactly where I was at in my 2nd and 3rd year of Uni - smoking joints with my buddies in some dorm room, talking shit about whatever thoughts were running through my head that day. We didn't even have the internet to refer to, to "fact check" things though. JR definitely has wide appeal though, that's undeniable.
Lookit who's buying the Winnipeg Sun, as well as papers in Portage La Prairie and Kenora .....
Meanwhile, a bit of the REST of the story via the Globe & Mail (also archived here) ....
Screenshot 2024-05-30 120855.jpg
A bit more on Klein here (usual Wikipedia caveats apply)