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666 Failed missions


Army.ca Fixture
Reaction score
Have a look at who currently has 666 failed missions!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At least no one could ever accuse Mike of cheating!! 
This is an important milestone. How about some Milpoints?  :)
Wow, that's a lot of failed missions. A while back I was trying some high return, low probability missions to see if the payout was worth it. Hint: it isn't. :)

Seeing as how Halloween is just around the corner, 666 failed missions seems somehow fitting. I'll do my best not to fail any more, and if I'm still at 666 when October rolls around (really just 2 more days) then I'll do something to celebrate. :)
Someone cut the man's internet off so he doesn't run any missions.  ;D
I'm currently running a mission that costs 1520 CR, so I can't run it often. :) I'm pretty much done for today and no failures. Fingers crossed! :)
Good news, I am not a failure! I've given everyone a small boost to your Incentive, based on your Rank. It may not be huge, but it's in effect for the whole month of October. :)

Almost 9000 missions and i still can't get 150 of them in a row, i am lucky if I get 10 in a row.............grumble, grumble.......need a "fist thru the wall" smiley
I have almost doubled my Situational Awareness over the last 3 weeks, and nothing has changed, in the last 33 missions I have had 3 fails, 2 of them within the space of 3 missions.!!!!! Something is not working.
Your % of failed missions is %5.  That is the average for an Officer isn't it?  Mine is %6 and my SA is lower than yours.
Maybe I don't understand things well enough. I was under the impression that the amount of failures would decrease as you built up your Situational Awareness, however this has not changed I still have trouble getting past 20 missions in a row with out a fail, even after adding a large amount of merit points. The 5% is the result of almost 2 years of playing and I would not expect that to drop over night.
SA doesn't remove the possibility of failure, it just increases the odds of success. At least to a point. With an SA of 458, you will get +45% success rate on all your Missions, but that won't bump you above your 95% success possibility.

That is, if Mission A had a success probability of 23% and Mission B had a success probability of 85%, your SA would adjust them to 68% and 95% respectively.

That adjusted success probability is what is displayed on the mission board itself.

I can guarantee that the code doesn't have any hidden gotchas in it, it's truly random. Random only looks like it isn't when things go poorly. :)

Being an officer has some great benefits except in this instance.  NCMs enjoy a 98% success  :nod: