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Pranks at camp. (Backdown)

WM, that is neither funny, or cool.
Pranks and practical jokes that cause any type of injury never are.
ToRN said:
Pranks and practical jokes that cause any type of injury never are.

the soup???

Anyway, its a small staple, i'm not saying that you stuff a bayonet into the deodorant, a small staple is the best because it folds over and only causes some discomfort, no actual scrapes or scratches.  I wouldn't post the suggestion if it actually hurt anyone, trust me I had this done to ME and it only gives you a shock because its something you dont expect at 0555 in the morning. 

It pretty complicated so bear with me here, ok, ready?...you make the bed half way...then fold it back over again...yep, pretty complex isnt it?  :P

I did it on my march out from Recruit training at Kapooka, there were only a few of us left to bus back to Melbourne (the New South Walers, the Queenslanders and the Westralians had all left earlier) and the Sargeant told us to do it as a surprise for the next batch of recruits. Can you imagine the terror as a Corporal (for you thats a Master Corporal) screams at you to get into bed and you make the horrible realisation your legs wont go any further?
We did around half the beds in the lines and because we were kind considerate souls made the bottom part of the bed with the top sheet so that they'd have it for the next day.

Generally though it's not worth doing any full on pranks, i mean i was never a Cadet so i dont know about it "being fun and camp". You want to do something mature and something that the person can laugh at with you. Jelly in a toilet isnt going to make you friends now is? Nor is boot polish on the seat? What you'll find (i'm referring here to the cadets as they seem to be the majority posting here) is that as you get older and wiser you'll find that a good prank or joke doesnt involve picking on the weakest kid or making someone a laughing stock. The one about the alarm clock is a classic and like the Padre said you shouldnt be trying to inflict to much pain on someone, a few guys i knew found out the hard way that putting soap in socks and hitting someone isnt a prank, its mean and sadistic and will get you hung up nice and high.

Be safe, have a laugh but dont do anything you wouldnt want to happen to yourself.
I'm serious Sam arent i?  ;D
Have fun,
When my course was staying in the mod tents somebody duct taped all of someone's kit upsidedown to the ceiling in inspection order.
Nate M said:
When my course was staying in the mod tents somebody duct taped all of someone's kit upsidedown to the ceiling in inspection order.

Thats ALOT of duct tape.  ;D
If you have a heavy sleeper, get several rolls of Saran wrap and plastic wrap them to the bed.  Works well with cots, too.  You will need two people though.  One on each side, handing the roll back and forth.  Please do not wrap head and face, as killing people may get you sent home from camp.  :warstory:
zipperhead_cop said:
If you have a heavy sleeper, get several rolls of Saran wrap and plastic wrap them to the bed.  Works well with cots, too.  You will need two people though.  One on each side, handing the roll back and forth.  Please do not wrap head and face, as killing people may get you sent home from camp.   :warstory:

LMAO, yes killing people will get you sent home from camp, i bet it will get u sent somewere else to boyo lol. Although it would be quite interesting to see, if it happened to me i would be more suprised then afraid or something now if the CSM walked in for inspection OMG that would be one hell of a morning.
It would be a pretty fair bet that if a guy was still like that at inspection time, any humor that may have been achieved would dissipate pretty quickly.  Unless he was in bed with a female member stuck like that.  Then it would be a bloody riot, worth getting jacked up for.
Alright, I can let one of these stories out... but most will die with me and my platoon from CL

I was lucky enough to have one of the guys from my unit in my platoon. Now, he was a bit of a glutton... And through the course developed a habit of stealing the deserts from his mates, particularly his favorite - chocolate pudding.

While in the mall on at trip to town, me and a C Scot buddy of mine (us Highlanders from the lowlands have to stick together) got an instant idea upon seeing this inconspicuously evil product in the zellers pharmacy - Ex-lax chocolate squares.

So back on base, we take the chocolates, bust them up into small sized chunks and stashed them to bring with us to meals. We had to show up early to each meal to make sure we got in before he did, but we didn't have to wait long. At dinner, I took my pudding, stirred the seemingly harmless chunks into them, sat down and waited.
Of course, the jerk took it, only to say he wasn't hungry and almost threw it out. Until, that is, a quick thinking buddy decided to call a pudding eating contest; and the victim started wolfing it down. Funniest part - Halfway through, he stops and says with the most enthusiasm I had ever heard from him, "Hey guys! Mine's chocolate chips in it!". We had no choice but to tell him - he couldn't figure out why we were all falling out of our seats laughing.  Grin>Cheesy

First he gets angry. Then it dawns on him - weekly parade was minutes away.
I've never seen him run so fast as when he bolted back to the shacks, straight into the washroom.

Correction - the funniest part was getting ready for the parade, listening to buddy screaming obscenities from the john.
back in my days (2000-2001), we use to tell the guys in charge of cleaning the sani-jones that we have found one corpse in there... Or we used to put silly springs in our barack boxes before inspection.

I've got tons of pranks
qyrang said:
Great Idea! Especially if you got sprayed by a skunk!!!


Bad word I was sprayed by a skunk 4 years ago  IN Blackdown.

Try this on for size the old Field phones were a good laugh once and awhile. Hey buddy the phone is not working when I spin the ringer can you hold down these 2 posts for me as i spin it :dontpanic:
I did the same but not in a Cadets Drink. It was in a retired MWO's Beer at a Reunion. As soon as I did that, the wole table burst out in laughter. All of them said "our Gary hasn't changed one bit"

C/CplTraynor 9 RCAC said:
a cadet put salt in my drink once i naver found out who it was  >:(
do these pranks happen alot? theres nothing i fear more then being the one who gets picked on. a joke here and there is alright but to be a target would be terrible
formerarmybrat23 said:
do these pranks happen alot? theres nothing i fear more then being the one who gets picked on. a joke here and there is alright but to be a target would be terrible
Not on your life.  The Cadets take harassment very seriously, and everyone gets to be the butt of the joke somewhere along the way.
What I did to the MWO's Beer was not what I'd call herassment, it was just a practical joke. Like putting black shoe polish on a black toilet seat.  Herassment is something that hurts, mentally or physically and degrades.
Well one day while I was at camp we had people run through our barracks and then they stole all our pillows. We had to sleep without pillows the whole time we were there.
I dont think i've put this up here yet. When your at ARTC Kapooka you leave your thongs (flip flops) at the side of your bed so when you wake up your straight into them and off to shave. With only a couple of days to go 2 blokes from my platoon went down stairs, stole EVERY left thong and then lined them up in front of the instructors office, dressed off from the right. We actually had the 36platoon staff come up and congratulate us as a platoon for one of the best pranks they'd seen in months.
For the next week i dont reckon those two blokes paid for a soft drink or goffers.

Thats what i reckon a prank should be, something thats harmless but at the same time hilarious.
Miss Caroline said:
I was in Kilo and we went out in the middle of the night and on the back of our Staff Tent we wrote "J Coy Rules" in magic marker and Threw a Bit of shaving Cream around. It was pretty funny seeing them marching aroudn the batilloin all of the next day.

lol nice and classic