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Survival kits project


Army.ca Myth
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Doing some at home projects with kids and one of them turned into survival kits.

Mostly for fun but wanted them to be usable too. We’re going to test them out in the woods for a few days.

It's a work in progress with a few items left to be added. Figured I’d throw them on here and get some constructive criticism.

From right to left - survival kit to strap on a motorcycle (break down to follow), Mini Survival Kit- basic, Mini Survival Kit- Plus and a Large Mess Tin Survival Kit.


Basic Mini-Survival-Kit


6x storm matches
Fire strike sparker
Tinder quick fire tabs


Button Compass

Signal mirror

Whirl Pak (little 1-liter water bags for pruification, similar to the ones we get in ration packs)
6x water tabs (1 tab per liter)

Survival razor
Readyman lockpic set
Snare wire

Mini-Survival-Kit Plus
Just a bit larger container than the previous to cram a bit more in.


Mini-bic lighter
8x storm matches
Fire strike sparker
8x Tinder quick fire tabs
[ordering a relighting birthday candle]

Britestrike APALS doubles as a light (https://www.brite-strike.com/product/apals-all-purpose-adhesive-light-strips/)

Button Compass

SOL Signal mirror
Brite-Strike APALS
Glow tape

Whirl Pak water bag
10x water tabs

First aid

Survival razor
RSK MK5 knife
Needle, fish hooks and handcuff key under duct tape stuck to outside
Snare wire

Large Mess Tin Survival Kit
It’s a little larger and beefy than I like. I’m tinkering with what to cut out to cram most of it in a smaller sized mess tin. 


2x Bic lighters
Magnesium block with ferro rod and striker
Tinder quick-fire tabs
Storm Matches

Petzl E+Lite & 3 sets of CR2032 batteries (may switch to an AAA headlamp)
Brite Strike APALS

Sunnto compass - downsizing to an orienteering compass, probably Suunto A10
Button compass


Adventure light VIP- Green (3 sets of batteries total) can double as flash light
SOL signal mirror
Whistle (old school CAF issue)
10’ orange survey tape
(glowstick on cord as a backup)
APALS in strobe mode
Glow tape

2x Whirl paks –
40x water purification tablets – 10days worth with average activity.
Can boil water in the mess tin as a backup

Commando wire saw
Paracord 30'
Brass snare wire
Military trip wire
Solar blanket
Hacksaw blade wrapped in tape

First aid
Alcohol swap
4x gravol (missing some pills)
4x immodium
4x advil
Skin glue

mini fishing kit
Lockpick set
Handcuff key
Gerber Ghost Strike - changing it to Esse's Izula-B knife
Swiss Army Knife (to be added)

So far looking at:
adding more Gorilla clear and blaze orange duct tape to the lids
possibly add a solar blanket to the outside of the MSK+

This image is the winners of the reality tv show alone. They got caught manipulating how things go in season 2. But it seems fairly accurate.

You did a really good job with these kits!

My little nitpicks,
Fish nets/ Fishing is a big part of it.
Having a bow/ hunting, snares, traps and building shelter seem to be the road to success.
A lot of them know how to identify wild edibles. Something I have been working on.
I would include a gill net (going by what I've seen, I haven't used one).

As for the lockpick set. They are illegal in BC ( maybe other provinces) as they consider them burglary tools. You can get around this by getting an beginner locksmiths license. Just something to think about.

InMyOpinion, Unless you go through the time of learning how to lock pick with them, you are better off with just a rake, a tension wrench and a couple bump keys.  Pick up dollar store padlocks to build confidence/ skills.

I'm sure it doesn't have to be said, but take the time to go over each item and its use with the kids.
It's useless if they can't use it when the time comes.

Oh, ask if the MIR will give you some antibiotics, tell them you are planning to do a remote expedition or something and don't want to die in the wilderness.
If they refuse, you can pick up fish antibiotics from the pet store. Read the label, you can get the exact same thing as human antibiotics.
First Aid
Water and Food

In that order!  What you bring depends heavily on the climate, geography and season.
[quote author=materialpigeonfibre
If they refuse, you can pick up fish antibiotics from the pet store. Read the label, you can get the exact same thing as human antibiotics.
Antibiotics obtained from a pet store are not tested, not regulated and not intended for human consumption. There is no evidence that they are the "exact" same thing as human antibiotics.
As a health care professional I strongly recommend against this practice.
If you have any critical equipment (vehicles, generators etc) make sure that your emergency kits have the tools you need for user maintenance.  It would be embarrassing to be that guy - you know, bragging to your wife about how ready you are for everything, and then calling her from the side of the road because you don't have the wrench to loosen the lug nuts to change your flat tire...
RubberTree said:
[quote author=materialpigeonfibre
If they refuse, you can pick up fish antibiotics from the pet store. Read the label, you can get the exact same thing as human antibiotics.

Antibiotics obtained from a pet store are not tested, not regulated and not intended for human consumption. There is no evidence that they are the "exact" same thing as human antibiotics.
As a health care professional I strongly recommend against this practice.

To add to that, many are not in appropriate human dosages and are often combination products.  If I were developing something, I tend to do a threat assessment and go with where it's intended to be used, as problem diseases vary regionally, as do the drugs of choice.  They also tend to take up space. 

Oh, and you know, COVID 19 and Dr Donald Trump caused a great deal of mortality/morbidity issues with people eating their fish pills.

materialpigeonfibre] Fish nets/ Fishing is a big part of it.[/quote] I need to add some line for sure. I'd sooner eat tree bark than fish though [quote author=materialpigeonfibre] InMyOpinion said:
If you have any critical equipment (vehicles, generators etc) make sure that your emergency kits have the tools you need for user maintenance.  It would be embarrassing to be that guy - you know, bragging to your wife about how ready you are for everything, and then calling her from the side of the road because you don't have the wrench to loosen the lug nuts to change your flat tire...

Getting fancy and forgetting the basics, great point. That would be really embarrassing and hard to live down I'm sure.
Have you thought about some hand warmers in the big kit?
Good call Weinie regarding the chemical hand/feet warmers. I would add a Styptic Pencil to stem bleeding from minor cuts. Depending on the circumstance, "skin glue" may not be effective.
Weinie said:
Have you thought about some hand warmers in the big kit?

I would have never thought of that but having something to warm your hands up quickly so you can build a fire seems pretty smart.

SupersonicMax said:
First Aid
Water and Food

In that order!  What you bring depends heavily on the climate, geography and season.

Are you able to comment on what you'd normally carry?
Very nice kits, similar to mine.

Are you using the small or large mess tin? I have the small and they fit into an ALICE mag pouch if you slide the handle down the side.

Apart from the mess tin, I have to carry SOL Heetsheets on the outside of the tins. This is ok if you keep both together; when you need to grab it you can seperate the tin from the shelter parts and put them into two pockets to spread the weight/bulk.
Throw a couple of tea bags in, perhaps w sugar packets. Warm drink, caffeine to help you focus, and comfort. And it lasts forever.
Throw a couple of tea bags in, perhaps w sugar packets. Warm drink, caffeine to help you focus, and comfort. And it lasts forever.
I didn’t see any iodized salt. Maybe add some of that as well.