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3rd battalion medic?


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Hey Hey,
I got a transfer in to go reg force med tech but i have a few questions. I was hoping to talk to someone who knows how closely medics train with battalions, more specificaly the 3rd battalions of the reg force infantry regiments. will i get my fix of infantry training as a medic attached to a coy? ums? I have tons more questions. please help. thx
You will get your fair share of infantry related training. The UMS/CDU system is changing and one of the things that it looks like will happen is that the company/sqn medic will work more closely with the troops, albiet they cannot provide sick parade style care when in garrison. By the time you arrive in the Fd Ambs, the system will be in place. Ask again then.
bboy said:
( From the Infantry Sub-board 02 March 2005 )

hey hey,

Im an infanteer reservist with a component transfer in to reg force med tech (737). once trained, i hope to work as closely as possible with the infantry. more specificaly, one of the three 3rd battalions. i know how it is supposed to be structured, but i was wondering what REALLY happens. what is the lowest level i would be attached? would i run when they run? ruck when they ruck? dig in when they dig in? parachute when they parachute? rapel when they rapel? stink when they stink? drink when they drink? i realize i would no longer be a combattant. i asked for help from the medic forum but it didnt help much. not all medics are with battalions. i figured id ask here considering all battalions are with medics. any information to better understand the career ive chosen would be greatly apreciated.


Hello bboy,

Last time I was posted to an infantry UMS was nearly 11 years ago, So this is probably dated information now that the medical
restructuring has taken place.  There are others here with more recent experience than I.
I certainly stand to be corrected on this.

After trades training, you'll probably wind up with a Field Ambulance. This is to assess your skills and make sure your capable
in the job before they set you loose in more independent settings attached to a combat arms unit.  You will find other threads
here on re mustering etc. with similar information in them.

For your questions, I'll answer with my own experience with 3PPCLI:

Will you run when they run ?             

A: Probably not.  You'll probably run later in the day with the rest of the medics.  When they do morning PT is the busy time
at the UMS, as you conduct the morning sick parade.

ruck when they ruck?

A: Maybe.  Maybe with a ruck and some medical bags on top.  But someone also has to be at the back with the Ambulance
picking up the ones that fall down.

dig in when they dig in?

A: Maybe.  If your up with one of the companies. Otherwise you'll probably be with the UMS equipment with Admin Company.

parachute when they parachute?

A: Only if you have a jump course, and are posted to the jump company.

rapel when they rapel?

A: Odds are.

thx O.M. much apreciated!

if im from the ums but im with a coy, who's chain of command am i under?

if i have to go where the troops go do i get similar training and courses?

what other type of training would be done with the troops?

anyone else?

bboy said:
thx O.M. much apreciated!

if im from the ums but im with a coy, who's chain of command am i under?

My disclaimer about not having done this in many years still stands....

You'd be tasked out to the company. You'd still be under the Physicians Assistant
(Med Tech WO or Sgt) at the UMS, who is responsible for you and watching the
quality of care provided by the junior Med Techs. He in turn answers to the UMO
(Doctor) who would be setting protocols for the Med techs to follow.

Above that, you'd still be part of CFMG, the Medical Branch Command.
Is a remuster to 737 a difficult thing to do from another reg force trade? I know the trade you are remustering from has impact on the decision, the reason I ask is that I am prepared to apply to the forces, however the trade I want is 737 and I am currently taking the biology and chemistry courses required to apply. I am getting through these courses, but also getting very anxious to put the application in and get started in a new career in the military. I figure now that I will be done these courses around September this year. Is it wise to apply now and attempt a remuster, or hold out for my trade of choice?