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18 Sept 2017: Army honours memory of 3RCR PTE Thomas Welch @ memorial service

The Bread Guy

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Putting this here to start because it's the first such presentation I've seen (and I stand to be corrected) actively announced by the government of the day.

This from the DND info-machine ...
The 3rd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment, today honoured the memory of Private Thomas Welch at Garrison Petawawa.

Brigadier-General Stephen Cadden, Commander, 4th Canadian Division, presented members of Private Welch’s family with his Sacrifice Medal, Memorial Crosses, and Memorial Ribbons at a private memorial service held at Garrison Petawawa. The Sacrifice Medal is a tangible and lasting form of recognition for the sacrifices made by members of the Canadian Armed Forces killed or wounded in the line of duty. The Memorial Cross is a gift from Canada, issued as a memento of personal loss on the part of designated family members following the loss of Canadian Armed Forces personnel who died in service or whose death is attributed to their service.  The Memorial Ribbon is presented designated family and loved ones as a memento of personal loss and sacrifice in respect of military personnel who lay down their lives for their country.

Private Welch tragically passed away on May 8, 2004 and today’s memorial service was held to honour his memory and pay tribute to his sacrifice ...
Some backstory ...
ref: CBC.ca

It's fitting Pte Welsh's mother is this year's national Silver Cross Mother.

Mom who fought for son's military honours after his suicide will lay wreath at National War Memorial
'Our country has to be ready to receive these truths about all of these soldiers,' says Silver Cross Mother
Jillian Taylor · CBC · Posted: Nov 01, 2018 5:00 AM CT | Last Updated: 5 hours ago

A Winnipeg mother who fought for her son to receive full military honours after his suicide will lay a wreath at the base of the National War Memorial this Remembrance Day, on behalf of all military mothers who have lost a child to war.

Anita Cenerini is the 2018 National Silver Cross Mother, an honour given by the Royal Canadian Legion. This is the first time the legion has chosen a mother who lost a child to suicide for the year-long designation.

"Our country has to be ready to receive these truths about all of these soldiers," said Cenerini.

More at link