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Search results

  1. Cantthinkofanything

    VAC Vocational Services.

    From my anecdotal experience, yes.  I was already attending university, had an A+ average but still had to do the testing.  The testing is more in regards to what future professions you have the aptitude and traits for.  The whole process with VA is establishing an end point, which for them is...
  2. Cantthinkofanything

    VAC Vocational Services.

    Expect the first 4-6 months of being in the vocational program to be slightly tedious.  They will put you through some aptitude testing, psychometric testing etc and come up with a list of professions that you may be proficient at, depending on your current testing scores, labour market, etc...
  3. Cantthinkofanything

    What book are you reading now?

    "The Insurgents"  By Kaplan
  4. Cantthinkofanything

    Is acupuncture covered?

    I'm glad it helped you, whether it be the treatment itself or placebo, I truly am. (placebo effect has little to do with the patient's skepticisim by the way) I just cannot, as a member of the medical community, invest much confidence in a practice that has been dismissed scientifically over...
  5. Cantthinkofanything

    Is acupuncture covered?

    Selfhacked is unfortunately a haven of pseudoscience "blogging". Yes I am a paramedic, my thesis last year in university was on the use of acupuncture but it mainly pertained to it's use in autonomic dysfunction based diseases that are being heralded as being treatable with acupuncture (ie...
  6. Cantthinkofanything

    Is acupuncture covered?

    The placebo effect keeps many people employed in this country.
  7. Cantthinkofanything

    Is acupuncture covered?

    I'll just leave this here..... https://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/reference/acupuncture/
  8. Cantthinkofanything

    ROC Data and the Golden Hour

    I feel that this study does little to shed light on what is already well known within the trauma community.  Interventions and delivery of the patient within "x" amount of time only aids in the survival of an extremely small amount of patients.  The obvious intervention being surgery.  The...
  9. Cantthinkofanything

    Tranexamic acid use in Canadian hospitals

    My experience is that civilian emergency medicine is afraid of hemostats and coagulation adjuncts.  I remember back in Ontario asking a supervisor if Celox would ever be considered for Paramedic use where I was working in the future.  His first response was "whats that"?  After I explained how...
  10. Cantthinkofanything

    Conscious Sedation Procedures in Field Hospitals

    I haven't seen midazolam used in an ED in quite some time at least where I work, propofol or ketamine is what I have seen more often for resetting fractures etc.
  11. Cantthinkofanything

    Ex infantry/paramedic..many questions....please help

    Thank you for all the information so far fellas, I will try and hunt down a contact for the field ambulance in St Johns tomorrow, is that advanced course recognized on civvie street at all and I am assuming that it's run out of Nova Scotia?  Please correct me if I'm incorrect.
  12. Cantthinkofanything

    Ex infantry/paramedic..many questions....please help

    I am about 45 minutes from St John's, I will contact them tomorrow, thank you for the information, I found it rather challenging to even locate the FA unit in Newfoundland on the CF site, mind you I was trying to do so on my Iphone.
  13. Cantthinkofanything

    Ex infantry/paramedic..many questions....please help

    Hi guys, I would like to thank anyone in advance who helps me out with my current predicament with any applicable information.  I was in 1RCR for 6 years before I got out in 2010 to go to college, I took my PCP course in Ontario and then moved to Newfoundland to practice as a PCP, I currently...