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  1. untouchables

    The Reserve Thread- A Merged Collection of Q & A's

    Hate to burst your bubbles, but its been like this since...09'-10'. I was caught  right in the middle of the wretched "freeze" right after my CFAT. they recently began processing the last of my bunch, even talked with a few potential recruits in a similar situation like me. Now I may not have...
  2. untouchables

    Helpful [maybe] Advice

    Thank you for clarifying that. What if a person missed/skipped steps 1-4 and are still being processed? I tried to search this up once but have never found an answer for the situation. Would a person described as above have to go back and visit their unit of choice, notify them of your intention...
  3. untouchables

    Helpful [maybe] Advice

    @OP and others who may be concerned Doesn't the paper work get handled by the local CFRC even though you're applying for a reserve unit? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I was told to hand in my paper work to the CFRC and then they would forward information to the unit you applied for and...
  4. untouchables

    No more reserves this summer.

    Speaking of grades: switch to easier courses and then graduate with an honour roll on your hands but don't risk not taking much needed courses to a post secondary institution (ask your school guidance Councillor for more details), if you have to do a victory lap theres no shame in that, boost up...
  5. untouchables

    No more reserves this summer.

    So that means linkinarmy could still get in or is it only for Co-op? Is that even legal its a federal order from the top brass, but seems reasonable for CO-OP students. How about 32nd CBG? A ton of cop-op students for sure.
  6. untouchables

    No more reserves this summer.

    Your welcome. Too bad the policy came into effect 25 days ago, if you made it before then things would be drastically different. At least in the future, your CFAT is still valid in future applications so that would save you some time in the future. Best wishes to you in the future  :salute...
  7. untouchables

    No more reserves this summer.

    Well I waited from 16.9 to 18, I don't see much of a difference, no matter how old you are, you're still going to wait a over year Like lots of people. In case you haven't noticed, applications have been full since way back and are slowly processed. For Ex. Me, I've been at this waiting thing...
  8. untouchables

    Nervous about being accepted.

    Some good advice when writing the CFAT: USE THE NOTE PAD THEY PROVIDE, yes they give u a notepad and some pens and pencils to write your rudimentary work use it to do the math. The watermarks depicting service men and women and a CF-18 may be distracting at first, but use it as a motivation. BUT...
  9. untouchables

    Anyone have an open file right now?

    I assume Mines Open, they called a few weeks ago for some additional information regarding country of birth. I assume the files in general are open however the recruiting process is still on a freeze, but moving slowly towards April 1st. Coincidentally April fools  :o. Its dependent on many...
  10. untouchables

    applications on file or closed?

    Theres a "waiting list", there are many people who have applied before you and are still being processed, I applied Nov of 09' and still waiting. You can say its on a first come first serve basis. Your application will just be the same as everyone else's : put in the line. *BUT* if they have...
  11. untouchables

    Want to join the army this summer.

    Hello there, So far trades are pretty full at the moment. Reserve recruitment is dependent on your local reserve unit availability and recruitment quotas so check the individual units first.  Regulars, as far I'm informed are pretty occupied. I'm in the GTA area and I've been waiting since Nov...
  12. untouchables

    Is this normal?

    Good to hear that you saw through. I was in your shoes a more than half a year ago being discouraged and demotivated, but as time goes by we will eventually learn that patience is key not only in the forces but also in life. Stay on the forums, you will learn alot and always be updated on recent...
  13. untouchables

    Is this normal?

    Hey no problem, we all have our problems and sometimes people just don't agree, but it takes perseverance and understanding to acknowledge small details in life. ...hmm I sound too old for my age. Whatever, hopefully your application is successful mines "gettin' reved" up after hearing one of my...
  14. untouchables

    Is this normal?

    Calm down bud, Im 100% positive that the poster who mentioned that had incorrectly presented it. Allow me to interpret  it in a way  we understand.  :) Stay with me brother/sister. Please correct me if I'm wrong but: What he said reflects upon today's employment statistics: The more "sheets of...
  15. untouchables

    Is this normal?

    I believe its Terrorism since Canada is a NATO aligned nation, threats of terrorism do come occasionally, like  not so long ago where the 3 men from Ottawa and London plotted and/or conspired in an attack against government infrastructures. Funny how he was on Canadian idol too. Other than...
  16. untouchables

    alternative to CF

    So your saying, that you are that good? Or are you hopeful that you will be that good? Being overconfident isn't a good quality in a soldier..let alone being a civilian where your peers despise you for it. Hell you sound like you are a born a CSOR special forces French legion delta force...
  17. untouchables

    alternative to CF

    The legion is comparable to the minions of hell, I would only join if If all else fails and that after every other possible solution has been attempted and unsuccessful. It is  selling your soul to the devil. OR If you want to immigrate to France but get rejected, you might as well consider this...
  18. untouchables

    I'm starting to get discourage

    Another comrade in the waiting list :camo: perseverance  is key to anything especially the forces I've been at this since December 09'. Apparently the forces are quite full and from what I've learned the hiring quotas are like 5-10 in each reserve unit in my area. And i waited to the training...
  19. untouchables

    Army rules

    Well, it may seem that media coverage and the entertainment industry portray the infantry as an exciting and "bad@ss" occupation and that young adults such as high schoolers are attracted to such characteristics, however theres always more than that. I myself, being a high schooler must admit...
  20. untouchables

    Getting on the right track..

    Normally a potential recruit such as you and I will choose a Canadian Forces Trade whether reserve or regular, then report to the CFRC to hand in the papers. For most cases such as with you and I who are on the verge of High school going into university or college will either select the ROTP...