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  1. S

    July 2010 BMQ

    Heavy I'm going in as Combat Engineer, and I'll look around for that Facebook group. Anybody else leaving out of Ottawa? Don't need a ride or anything just curious to see if any other Ottawans heading out to July BMQ. Looking forward to  seeing you all there.
  2. S

    July 2010 BMQ

    I'm going to the July 12 course.  Swear in on the 6th.
  3. S

    July 2010 BMQ

    What I'm doing to get ready for basic (and because I've always wanted to) is training for the Ottawa half marathon on May 30th. The training is pretty hard on my body but by June I know I'll be in great cardiovascular shape and probably cut a few percentage points off my body fat %.
  4. S

    July 2010 BMQ

    My career counsellor called me around a week and a half ago saying that I'm going to offered a job for 4 years Combat Engineer ect. and that my basic starts on June 10th. I haven't signed anything or gone to the CFRC since then so I don't really don't know what happens next. I applied last June...
  5. S

    July 2010 BMQ

    I got a call with a job offer and I think the guy handling my case said June 11, but now I think I might have misheard him and my basic is July 12th. Oh well.
  6. S

    Combat engineer closed?

    Amen to that. Thanks a lot for all the advice you guys have given us new guys who can't seem to tell their ass from their elbows. Even when some of the members on this board seemed condescending, I'd look over my post and realised I didn't need to ask that question. Good job guys.
  7. S

    Combat engineer closed?

    I'll take the heat and the rain over the cold and the snow any day  :P . The only reason I said that thing about the heads up is that it would have been nice to know my odds you know? My interviewer told me there was "lots" of spots open, and then the trade closes two days later. That's the...
  8. S

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Well, what I heard from a buddy of mine who changed trades is it's really hard to remuster unless you are moving to a high demand position, so I wouldn't take Armoured with the goal of changing trades. Plus 36 months is a long time to wait. Is it true that I will be offered trades that aren't...
  9. S

    Combat engineer closed?

    Well I guess I'll start looking for a McJob to pass the time untill April. At least I wont have to do basic in the winter I guess. You'd think that the recruitment centre would have given me a heads up that Combat Engineer was almost full when I had my interview and all that jazz... :crybaby:
  10. S

    Combat engineer closed?

    Oh man this is really horrible news. So as it stands anyone who has not been offered the Trade yet has no chance of being a combat engineer unless they wait untill april?
  11. S

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    *Update* Recruting Center: Ottawa Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: Combat Engineer Trade Choice 2: Armoured Trade Choice 3: Infantry Application Date: August 8th, 2009 First Contact: August 6th, 2009 Med, aptitude completed : August 22nd, 2009 Interview completed: Sept...
  12. S

    CF Looking at Donkeys as Load Carriers in AFG

    Plus, if the American media caught wind of this they wouldn't shut up about it. It's be like all those "Canadian Navy = my buddy Steve and his canoe" but with donkeys. They'd really make us look like asses.
  13. S

    October 2009 BMQ

    Like I said in your topic, I'm probably going to be going on that class too. Out of curiosity, when did you do your CFAT? We might have met, I was the idiot who showed up in a T-Shirt, Leather Jacket and Baseball Cap. I'll add you on Facebook.
  14. S

    The Army and Rugby

    Aw man, if there's rugby in the army I might as well sign a 25 year contract now  :salute:
  15. S

    The waiting is the hardest part

    I don't wanna derail this any further, but I think the key difference you are missing is that unlike Napoleonic France or Nazi Germany, to conquer Afghanistan is not our end goal, and our main challenge is of a different nature(pun intended). Modern warfare in the middle east is drastically...
  16. S

    The waiting is the hardest part

    The Afghan mission is not impossible(all my knowledge is secondhand, so feel free to correct me if you've been there/know more than I do), from what I've read it just seems like fear is so ingrained into the Afghan population that it's going to be hard to make fast progress. Don't forget that so...
  17. S

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Yeah my references where called before I was too. As far as I know it's the DND that calls your references and perform the background check.
  18. S

    Why Did/Are You Joining the Armed Forces??

    haha, completely missed that (second time in like 3 post). I thought it was odd that topic didn't exist.
  19. S

    Why Did/Are You Joining the Armed Forces??

    Hey, I'm new here and not part of the CF yet, but hopefully will be shortly. I'm just curious to know what made you want to join the army. The nobility of service? Philosophical reasons? You needed the job security? Army family? And for those who are in it now, do you think you had the right...
  20. S

    The waiting is the hardest part

    For me the waiting isn't so bad, but maybe that has something to do with being in Ottawa  ;D Do what I do, instead of sitting around waiting and being anxious set some goals, physical or mental, and try to accomplish them by your next interview/medical/whatever date. For example I have my...