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  1. Roche

    Cpl Kevin Megeney NSH - 06 March 2007

    Kevin was an amazing guy, one of the best guys to have around when morale was down, he was funny, quick thinking and a great soldier. It was such a moral boost when Kevin around and, I'm really going to miss hanging out with him.  My thoughts and prayers go out to his family. Rest in peace Kev!!!
  2. Roche

    Any 1NSH(N)'ers out there?

    still a lot more hit than i expected, havent cheakced it at all, anymore of us in here? drop us a line!  :dontpanic:
  3. Roche

    Hard-pressed army forced to train with paintball guns

    This reporter seems to want to make the army only look bad here. It was a good training weekend, until it came to the paintball. however, once people got a hold of those paintball guns things turned into a game, Kinda totally got rid of any realism that was there, plus the enemy force weren't...
  4. Roche

    CFHA Residential Housing Unit (RHU)-old PMQ [MERGED]

    Thats too bad, we got some good training done there. Any word as to why they are specifically shuttin' er down?
  5. Roche

    Question about WES/MILES

    The laser will go off if you blow on teh screen at the end of the box, its set off by airpressure not by smashing it on a wall, had a friend of mine laze himself accidently by doing that  :blotto:
  6. Roche

    New CADPAT Uniform for the RCR

    hahaha thats gold! 
  7. Roche

    Any 1NSH(N)'ers out there?

    Greasy I'm not sure who you are but I'm doin fine, No C-coy isnt hollywood coy anymore but we're still the best  ;)  Didn't think I'd get this much replies but keep em commin Highlanders! 8)
  8. Roche

    Danny Williams lowers the Canadian Flag

    NFLD hasn't separated eh, they're just protesting by taking down the flags, and lets not make this a bashing post  :threat:
  9. Roche

    Any 1NSH(N)'ers out there?

    I'm with C-coy, just wondering if theres any other 1NSH'ers on this or people who were in the battalion.    Siol Na Fear Fearail  :warstory:                                                                
  10. Roche

    Standard Personal Weapon in the CF?

    C7's are no good for OBUA, C8's are small enough to do the trick rather well, so its good that we've got them
  11. Roche

    The C7 Assault Rifle, M16, & AR15 family (C7A1, C7A2, C7 replacment, and C7 vs M16)

    He basically just defined what the "new" rifle would be, the question is, will we ever see it?
  12. Roche

    Need Avatar help

    Thanks very much for the help Mike
  13. Roche

    Need Avatar help

    Hello, I was wondering, after uploading an avatar to the web site, how do I link it to use it as my own?
  14. Roche

    The C7 Assault Rifle, M16, & AR15 family (C7A1, C7A2, C7 replacment, and C7 vs M16)

    We‘ll just have to wait and see how the C7 A2 turns out and go from there
  15. Roche

    The C7 Assault Rifle, M16, & AR15 family (C7A1, C7A2, C7 replacment, and C7 vs M16)

    They‘re throwing alot of ideas up into the air regarding any new rifle replacement, I found an informative site here http://nightoperations.com/C-7_A2.htm