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  1. Hotwire

    Class "A" duty Status

    There has been NO movement in this situation, VAC has actually come back to her to ask about the progress. She has had 2 or 3 different assisting officers. The ball keeps getting passed around. Were 2 years into this now, and Still not sure where to go or what the status is of ANY of the...
  2. Hotwire

    Class "A" duty Status

    You are correct, I am not the member involved. I have 18 years of service as a reg force member, so this reserve force stuff is very hazy to me. And trust me, I have done a LOT of research, and things are not getting any easier. AS some policy contradicts others, or are unclear or rescinded...
  3. Hotwire

    Class "A" duty Status

    Thank you, this was my "assumption" as well. The members units Chief clerk is the one who seems to be dictating what is and is not covered. Although I am NOT sure if that clerk is 100% sure of the process. We will be contacting the Local JPSU for further insight today. I will keep this thread...
  4. Hotwire

    Class "A" duty Status

    That's the thing... The soldiers CoC believe the same. The "door to door" clause. As long as it was travel directly to your place of duty. A CF98 was done, and signed off by the PL WO and CO. VAC paperwork also started as well as medical appointments at the local base hospital. There, they...
  5. Hotwire

    Class "A" duty Status

    So.. let's set the scenario... Class "A" reservist is on the way to a weekend exercise. Less then 1km from the place of duty they are involved in a head on collision for which they are 100% not at fault and cannot return to their regular full time employment or parading. This is directly...
  6. Hotwire

    June 1st Pay

    i noticed that my -$410 balance (From PATA) is now a +$468... Yet my PLD went from $478 down to $68.... Anyone else see an issue with their pay?
  7. Hotwire

    RegF Support Staff (RSS) - Reserve Trg hours [Merged]

    Our OPs O and Adj are two different people. The OPs O is Reg Force, and the Adj is a B-Class Res. and only for the next few weeks at that.
  8. Hotwire

    RegF Support Staff (RSS) - Reserve Trg hours [Merged]

    thank you all for the insight. Pursuing this up the chain... Both the OPs O and OPs WO have spoken to the CO. So have the Adj, and the Padre. Its his vision, and he is keeping it. We try to swing things, and make it run. But it is a rough time. Its made us few FTUC (6 of us) learn to work...
  9. Hotwire

    RegF Support Staff (RSS) - Reserve Trg hours [Merged]

    It most definatly is an aquiered taste, and a special skill set. Dealing with day to day issues, mentoring, helping, and taking part in tasks is one thing. And NOT an issue. Its the fact that during the week, my Coy is one deep, Me. All threw out the year we (Being the Unit) are offering A-Class...
  10. Hotwire

    RegF Support Staff (RSS) - Reserve Trg hours [Merged]

    I'm sure your right, Hence why I asked if I was just in the wrong unit. I'm guessing, circumstances, and positions also dictate in regards to these issues as well.
  11. Hotwire

    RegF Support Staff (RSS) - Reserve Trg hours [Merged]

    Good morning, As I am RSS, and have been for 3 years now. A Lot of things have come to light to me in regards to this job and its duties. Previously my understanding was that RSS was a sort of mentoring and "Fill in" role. Meaning, that the RSS would help develop the troops in the unit, Keeping...
  12. Hotwire

    Queen's Diamond Jubilee Super Thread

    All I can say is that at my unit, out of the 15 that got the medal, 10 were pers who don't show up, who don't do their job, and don't have a medal yet. This is a reserve unit, The Old Boys Club has shown its colors again. So.. The Sgt's and O's who don't look so flashy on parade, now have a...
  13. Hotwire

    Primary Leadership Qualification Course (PLQ) Mega thread

    well, week one of the residency is done. All my lessons taught and passed. 1 more week of residency left then we get onto mod 6. they are saying that mod 6 run as a FOB now. And they are saying there is only 9 days in the field. Im still weary about this place though. Our course is a mix of...
  14. Hotwire

    Primary Leadership Qualification Course (PLQ) Mega thread

    The DL Part, Even though dont start untill Jan, Iv already been looking threw. The written lectures are pretty vauge, and kind of all over the place. One thing I do think is well done are the videos, well the 2 Iv seen so far. I havent looked at any of the home work yet, or the testing for the...
  15. Hotwire

    Primary Leadership Qualification Course (PLQ) Mega thread

    So, Iv finaly been loaded on a PLQ course Jan 7 2010 - Feb 9 2010... Its the new DL version. 3 weeks at home working online, then 9 days in Aldershot doing the residency portion of the mods.. Only after sucessful completion of mods 1-5 will I start the Mod 6... wich starts the day after. What...
  16. Hotwire

    Vacationsforheroes.com - Anyone use them?

    All I did was click login, and hit enter, and I was logged in... lol :cdn:
  17. Hotwire

    CFHA Residential Housing Unit (RHU)-old PMQ [MERGED]

    I guess what Im trying to say is, why are We falling to so a system that is failing. Were not suppose to be paying them to screw us over. Were also not he ones who have to make the changes because somone else feels it to be right... We are paying them, so they are working for us. Its a service...
  18. Hotwire

    CFHA Residential Housing Unit (RHU)-old PMQ [MERGED]

    Well here I can get a decent apartment for about $650 only about a 10 min drive from base. I really wonder where they get the criteria for their Upping the rent to local market value.. My PMQ is litteraly falling appart, and when I had them come look at the water damage in the roof's.. yes...
  19. Hotwire

    CFHA Residential Housing Unit (RHU)-old PMQ [MERGED]

    Okay, has any one thought about fighting CFHA on their Rent raises? Iv delt with tennant law before and  $100 a year or more is illigal in most places, yet CFHA gets away with it? How? My kick in the B@ll's comes like this : PMQ raise : $130 PLD Drop : $186 How does that work? I mean the PLD...
  20. Hotwire

    Primary Leadership Qualification Course (PLQ) Mega thread

    well I will be a MCPL for 2 years as of may 2009. Im At 12 RBC, But Im currently doing my workup training for 0109 leaving in feb till oct. SO...  I cant see being loaded on a course before dec 2009/Jan 2010. ( as there is little to NO time for it, between now and then) Is it possible for me...