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  1. Mapper

    Anyone remember this show?

    Anyone else watch this one...(The White Shadow)? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CeSUluBWrE&feature=related
  2. Mapper

    ROTP offers.....

    Future-Nurse, I wouldn't worry yet.  I got a look at the spreadsheet from Borden and they are sending out 6 rotp offers for nurse in May, 12 for June, 5 for August and 1 in September.  I think it said they were taking 25 rotp nurses, 6 from utpncm and 2 deo.  I was one of the utpncm and got the...
  3. Mapper

    5km run opinion

    23 hrs 13 mins and 32 secs?  You might want to pick it up a little... Seriously, that is an alright time.  In terms of qualifying for running at CF Nationals you would need to run a 5km in 19 mins (for males under 40) and in 24 mins for females (under 40).  I guess it all depends on what you...
  4. Mapper

    Need to clear up some misinformation abour Personal File

    It does follow you, but a new RegF file is opened and the reserve one just sits on the shelf next to your RegF one.  That is what happened to mine...
  5. Mapper

    Medical Officer Training Plan (MOTP) [MERGED]

    Here is the CF Health recruiting page: http://www.forces.gc.ca/health/physician/engraph/home_e.asp?Lev1=3&Lev2=9 There are some med schools in Canada that have some seats reserved for military members.  These seats are left empty if there are no military applicants to fill them.  The university...
  6. Mapper

    Widows of the Fallen in Fight with Banks over Mortgages

    We had that clause in our mortgage insurance and we were both in at the time.  It makes for a nice money-grab by both the bank and the insurance company as both benefit from the interest of those drawn out insurance payments over the lifetime of the mortgage.  Not to mention the billions in...
  7. Mapper

    Karla Homolka gives birth

    I am just putting my two cents in.  I said that I don't agree with what she did in the past.  She should never have been given a plea bargain to begin with and should be in jail for life.  But she was given that bargain and got out after doing her time. 
  8. Mapper

    Karla Homolka gives birth

    I hear you.  I don't disagree that what she did was horrible, disgusting and uncomprehensible.  But, I think she should be given a chance to raise this child.   She is obviously being watched by many, so Child Services (or whatever they are called) can step in.  I feel for the child in all of...
  9. Mapper

    Karla Homolka gives birth

    As much as I can't stand hearing about plea bargains, I think that she has served her time and should be left alone.  She is not having a child so she can molest it, so it doesn't matter that the child is male.  He is now foder for the media to "molest".  There are far worse who have kids and...