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  1. T

    Military Discounts List

    I have a co-worker of mine who just got back from Florida and he told us here that Disney land tickets were free to serving members and hotels were 40% off……I am thinking of a Christmas trip at this rate
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    Favourite War Movies

    All the ones that have been mentioned so far are excellent, but my favourite is “The light Horsemen”
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    What would you do?

    To be perfectly honest I don’t know what I would do? My wife keeps telling me that I have a very short fuse with everyone except her, so If I caught some peeking most likely I would have grabbed the troll and informed him that “I was no afraid to back to prison if he did not tell me everything...
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    Muslim anger follows Pope's comments

    There is no doubt that Pope Benedict XVI might have found a better example to use in his speech on Sept. 12, that has caused such a stir among Muslims. The controversial statement, quoting the Byzantine Emperor Manuel Paleologus, was: “Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there...
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    PERs : All issues questions...2003-2019

    Hi all I need some help here, everyone always wants to write good assessments on their troops but from time to time there are those who unfortunately need to have a evaluation done that is negative.  There are tons of sites out there in Cyberland that tell you how to blow sunshine up someone’s...
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    Great Names in the Royal Canadian Armour Corps

    Following this string is like talking a walk down memory lane…CWO Fred Alcock, CWO Doug Harvey CWO Lee Topp, CWO Ken Jacobs (He has to one of the best Sr NCO’s that I worked for a consummate professional through and through)
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    Wanna-be‘s / Posers

    Do you know if anyone has called him on it, no I don’t mean call him on the phone I mean in public expose him for being a “FAKE”. This no doubt could be a very dangerous double-edged sword. You expose the guy in front of a group of  people it could embarrass him enough to stop, but (there is...