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Search results

  1. F

    Canadian Solider In Blue?

    Found this online. Would anyone like to tell me why he is in a blue uniform? The only reason I can conceive is that he is special ops?
  2. F

    Pet. Vs Meaford

    Which one do you prefer and why? I've never been to pet but have been to meaford. I think the worst part about meaford is the worn down feilds with those nasty holes.
  3. F

    Sharpen Up On C6 & C9 Drill

    I've been lacking in my drill lately due to not having touched a machine gun in a while. Is there anywhere where I see the drill in order and possibly get a refresher? If unavaliable anywhere would someone do me the favor of listing the drills? E.g. Stoppage 1st time, 2nd.. Barrel change...
  4. F

    Demo Platoon

    Well I'm lucky enough to have gotten tasked to a demo platoon in meaford this early before summer. Since this is the first time I'm not on course besides BMQ & DP1, what should I expect during the summer as a demo section member? I've heard you don't do much except play op-for. Is there any...