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Recent content by schwick

  1. S

    punishment of the rucksack

    crc, i do secure the valise above the bag, and i do use cargo straps! looks ok to me i guess
  2. S

    punishment of the rucksack

    64 pattern yes, and yes we leave next year (crosses fingers) fall 2007 my rucks was about 60lbs so im guessing practice and familiarization makes perfect????
  3. S

    punishment of the rucksack

    hey everyone im training right now for cambrian patrol, the ruck march was a little dodgy on the shoulders.  To fix this or help me out is there any exercises or is it just practice that makes you stronger at it.  I was using a waist belt that was tight enough to leave me sore on the sides of...
  4. S

    The Mountain and Ironman Merged Thread

    What is different from the army ironman as opposed to a normal civie iron man? what are the distances? thanks alot
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    Why goto Afghanistan

    i am currently trying to figure out the pros and cons about going to war in afghanistan I have been in the miltary for 4 years (armoured reserves) Are Canadians in Afghanistan viewed as OCCUPIERS or LIBERATORS and how does a person deal with the possible risks associated with going to war what...
  6. S

    New CF Fitness Policies Coming

    my SSM just addressed my whole unit telling us we should start getting our shit together PT wise. Good to hear its coming down the pipe and thats for a Reservist unit.
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    Travel to Europe

    the best way to travel Europe for me travelling is a chance to see as much as  i can and do as much as i can im not the type of person that wants to lay around on a beach getting hammered the whole time even tho there is drinking everywhere in europe you want to see as much as you can THe...
  8. S

    SAR Tech

    i have seen the pre requisits for the Sar tech program for a reg force occupational transfer but what would the pre requisits be for   a reservist who wants to attend the prelim??? thanks alot
  9. S


    put your papers in now!!!!! By the time it comes back to u, yea better be good to go And it will give you enough time to get your sh$t sorted out This will always act as a mental reminder for you and a goal not as a hope. its a written down goal with a due date do 1 set of push ups and sit ups...
  10. S

    The Push-up and Its Variations

    a good drill i did in grappling practice was push up position (elbows close concentrating on tricepts) belly off the floor 1 inch explode up only 4 or so inches and continue like a vibrating mode and try to walk yourself across the room bouncing on ur hand by doin fast explosive pushups
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    once you have reached the 10-15 chin up mark use a weight belt and at that point u will skyrocket ur reps to 20 in a month or two
  12. S

    Elite athletes in the Canadian Forces

    im pretty sure patrick cote is a van dou im not positive but anyway he is a professional MMA fighter
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    Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2) - Canadian Special Forces

    please explain to me what u think trolling is and how i was doing that the person earlier asked what trade he should shoot for before JTF which i told him what to do.  From my experience the people in teh trades i listed are more suited for the job as they stand with there experience and...
  14. S

    THE ODDs and possibilities!

    thanks what about time in combat engineering and wiating for the courses?
  15. S

    THE ODDs and possibilities!

    anyone for how reasonable it is to get on thoose course in first engagement please