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Recent content by narushima

  1. narushima

    Canadian Automated Pilot Selection System (CAPSS)

    Just want to confirm if CAPSS (the pilot selecting machine ;D)has to be redone if it was succesful and someone has had no offers in years then reapply. Would that person need to redo CAPSS after a certain time (years) or is it good for life? I have heard different stories about that subject Thanks
  2. narushima

    Contract Lengths (Merged)

    Well your kinda lucky, 3years is nothing...I signed for 9years :)
  3. narushima

    Anyone on the April BOTC??

    Ill be there on April 16th too, Im french tho so I think they will place us in different classes right?
  4. narushima

    Starting on April 16th, will I be in time for Afghanistan?

    Thanks alot guys! As for the SLT, I won't need it so it takes some months of training out...phheww :) Anyway I just hope that when my training is done, I will be able to go help somewhere they need me. :salute:
  5. narushima

    Starting on April 16th, will I be in time for Afghanistan?

    Hi everybody, I have been accepted as an Infantry Officer and will be starting my officer course on april 16th. Do you think i have any chances to go help in Afghanistan before its over or will I miss that? Thanks!
  6. narushima

    Just Got the Offer!

    I got my offer for Infantry Officier also. I will be in St-Jean on the 16th of April! Congrats and best of luck fellow  :salute: edit: Does anyone knows if by starting my career as an Infantry Officer on the 16th of April, I will get the change to go help in Afghanistan or will it be over when...
  7. narushima

    2010 Soldiers Uniforms

    This is supposed to be the US Army 2010 Uniforms for their soldiers. Do you think the FC will get them to? I think it looks like a good setup if you read the amazing specs.
  8. narushima

    How long is the CEOTP Infantry Officer contract?

    Do CEOTP salary start at 42000$ like DEO?
  9. narushima

    How long is the CEOTP Infantry Officer contract?

    All I found is a Restricted Release form but it dosnt explain the difference between the two. Would you mind explaining to me please :) Thanks
  10. narushima

    How long is the CEOTP Infantry Officer contract?

    Hello people, I know that the pilot CEOTP contract is 9years but is it the same with Infantry Officer? Since it cost about 2.5mil to train a pilot I would think that maybe the Infantry officer contarc is a bit shorter. Also when does the contract starts? Is it when you are done at St-Jean or...
  11. narushima

    "So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

    Hi everybody, I have been waiting for an offer since 3 years now. I was 19y/o when I did all the test to be CEOTP Pilot and was very succesful at all of them. I am a bit pissed off because many time the recruiters have told me that I shoud be getting an offer soon...but after 3 years waiting...