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Recent content by MysticLies

  1. MysticLies

    INTENSE movie coming out, 300!

    the graphics, editing, and music was stunning. However everthing else about the movie was a total joke.
  2. MysticLies

    TN2IC and Profanity

    Profanity is so common in my workplace, that I never really notice it anymore. I rarely use profanity, mainly due to the way my strict parents raised me; and never really get offened when someones uses profanity, however like every other word in the dictionary, it all depeneds on the context its...
  3. MysticLies

    Passport Question

    thanks for all the reply :)
  4. MysticLies

    Passport Question

    thank you for the reply. :) My unit has a logistics officer who is overseeing our 9 Nijmegan training; but no team captain. So I'll try to get in contact with who ever is our team captain, to see how they are handling the passport situation this year. The message that recently arrived from...
  5. MysticLies

    Passport Question

    I'm in the reserves, possibly(90%) traveling to either of the coasts in the beginning of May; however I haven't filed my passport application yet(my last passport just recently expired, and I hadn't realized). Now I have a very limited time to file my application before I leave for Class B work...
  6. MysticLies

    Medical File

    you should bring it with you to BMQ
  7. MysticLies

    Medical File

    I would however really recommend you bring your immunization records, just incase you don't fell like taking a shot that you arleady took :D
  8. MysticLies

    What is your military status?

    naval reserves ;D
  9. MysticLies

    What not to do - No excuse BMQ tips [Merged]

    I must add, that not all platoons were the same, while my platoon lost 16 people, others lost around 4-7. maybe it was because our instructors were harder then anothers, maybe it was because we were an only-male platoon, maybe we just got really bad people. some of the reasons why the people...
  10. MysticLies

    What not to do - No excuse BMQ tips [Merged]

    -all the runs start out in formation(2 ranks)...were so-post to stay in formation during the runs, but that rarely happened, seeing as how some people were better in running then others. What usually happened was the platoon would breakup into smaller groups, 1 being in the lead the second in...
  11. MysticLies

    What not to do - No excuse BMQ tips [Merged]

    the beds are like normal beds I guess....there is 4 beds in each room, so unless they changed there will be no bunk-beds. By the way you will like Borden...I just finished my basic this summer, Fall basic maybe be different, but the overall experience is wonderful.
  12. MysticLies

    Extra Kit on BMQ ? Cameras, Cell Phones, Laptops..

    well there are 2 options. 1) wait till you get leave...which hopefully you will get on your fourth weekend 2) second your Platoon Commander will come in one day and ask if anyone needs to use the computer(for important stuff, such asĀ  university registration and such) the commander will ask you...
  13. MysticLies

    Posters / Banners in BMQ

    maybe I not sure, buts that what my intructor told us
  14. MysticLies

    inddor/outdoor bmq

    while it was somewhat hard, I do admit 6 K isn't that much, but at that time we were doing hills(not really hills, just a change in the road elevation as our PT staff called it). How ever when we got back we had to do 20 pushups....because we got the answer to our PT staffs question wrong ;D...