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Recent content by edadian

  1. edadian

    Big Thinkers

    I've been trying to remember where I read hat the US ambassador to Egypt was queitly uncovered and dismissed for feeding information. Most likely I read it in Len Deighton's history of World War Two, where he focuses on what most history ignores. Remember that pro-Nazi forces were throughout US...
  2. edadian

    Big Thinkers

    TCBF I agree on not effective maybe should start a witch hunt in Al Queda to cause a similar distraction. Does Coulter's book discuss the extreme right in the US State department in '30s, '40s and '50s or just the left. A few US State department officials were working for the Facists and the...
  3. edadian

    Big Thinkers

    TCBF McCarthy was right? Then explain why his witch hunt was considered the KGB's greatest asset of the time. According to the Mitrokhin Archives (Mitrokhin ran the KGB archives for over twenty years) the KGB used McCarthy as a diversion to focus on non-communist agent recruitment which in the...
  4. edadian

    Canadians seen as Americans in Afghanistan

    I meant most Jamaicans in Canada haven't picked up a gun. I didn't intend it to come off as a generalization. Perhaps if these Jamaicans were more in touch with their own culture they wouldn't be buying to the gun & crime culture.
  5. edadian

    Big Thinkers

    McMaster is where I first heard of it but here is the results of a Google search. http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=University+Professor+shortage&btnG=Google+Search&meta=cr%3DcountryCA Note that a tenured professor is a PHD with ten or more years experiance in teaching. There are many...
  6. edadian

    Canadians seen as Americans in Afghanistan

    Go I think you are way off on multi-culturalism. Non-conformist culture is the culture that seperates people or nations from each other. With conformity comes the bland polluted corrupt culture of globalization; McDonalds, Wall-Mart etc. Conformist monoculture is like incest, may seem like a...
  7. edadian

    Big Thinkers

    TCBC Putting Canadian professors out of work? We have a chronic shortage of tenured professors in this country that is getting worse. Current funding levels at university means we are not creating the conditions for people to get a PHD. In other words students are paying more money for less...
  8. edadian

    The War of 1812 Merged Thread

    Sorry Frankie didn't realize it was out of humour. In reality would Fox news notice? We should pass out pre-confederation honours with the war on terror ones to dilute any US complaints. The response to complaints being; 'What we shouldn't honour units fighting the war on terror?'
  9. edadian

    The War of 1812 Merged Thread

    Frankie does that mean we should remove the ones from the world wars to appease the Germans, or the Korean war to appease the North Korean and Chinese. It sounds like you only want to honour those who fought along side the US which makes all honours less valuable. Besides the Pentagon is not...
  10. edadian

    Hillier Arming Canada For War

    CFL re-educate implies there was education. With our obsession in this country lately of only teaching the 3 R's it shouldn't be surprising that people are ignorant of international affairs and defence. Maybe we should all write our MLA and have the role of DND added to grade 9 civics. I agree...
  11. edadian

    Is one DART enough?

    Funny how the RAF site mentions Hercs C-17A but no strategic airlift aircraft. http://www.raf.mod.uk/equipment/acref.html http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/military/c17/c17spec.htm http://www.lockheedmartin.com/wms/findPage.do?dsp=fec&ci=15051&rsbci=11168&fti=0&ti=0&sc=400 check the stats...
  12. edadian

    Int'l Criminal Ct: Illegal Orders, Illegal Wars

    Its a mute point Congress just cancelled the program. Signing an agreement to reduce the numbers of nuclear weapons, testing of new nuclear weapons and limiting how and when to use them to response not first strike then building a whole new class of weapons that violate the treaty might be...
  13. edadian

    Is one DART enough?

    No one is suggesting replacing CC-130 with the Antonov. We replace the CC-130 with the C-130J and aument or ability with strategic airlift. Only 2 options available neither of which have parts widely spread. Only the US uses the C-5 series as far as I know and only Russian and the Ukraine use...
  14. edadian

    Is one DART enough?

    OK buy American? So the winner would be a C-5b based on payload and Canada being a good little colony buying from master. Added political bonus of parts being built by Canadair
  15. edadian

    Int'l Criminal Ct: Illegal Orders, Illegal Wars

    You can't be prosecuted for bad intelligence but you can be prosecuted for; invading a country that is not threatening yours, violating UN resolutions regarding embargoes on Iraq and Iran (Haliburtants skirting the oils sanctions on both countries), countless violations of the Geneva conventions...