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Recent content by DJS

  1. D

    BMQ June 2008 - ALL Locations

    Just wondering if anyone from NB is heading out to saint-Jean on that date too?
  2. D

    Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

    It's all fine and good what you are all saying but I have basically revolved my life into getting into the forces. My CFRC told me it would take UP to 3 months - no more! If that would have been the case I would have been gone to my BMQ almost 2 months ago. My recruiter told me 3 months and that...
  3. D

    May 5th BMOQ

    Name: Smith 36 years old I applied back in October out of Bathurst NB Infantry
  4. D

    What not to do - No excuse BMQ tips [Merged]

    Thank goodness for websites like this!! You guys are sure takin alot of weight off my shoulders!
  5. D

    Feb 2008 BMQ- ALL locations

    Yeah i learned that pretty quick with regards to calling up the R.O. Thank goodness for forums and you guys that are here to answer our questions and concerns. Takes a ****load of anxiety of us people who are just waiting for that call!
  6. D

    Feb 2008 BMQ- ALL locations

    Well that certainly takes a load of my shoulders! It's hard when you are kept in the dark. You are on a strict need to know basis with the recruiting office. Incidently, I'm being recruited out of Bathurst NB.
  7. D

    Feb 2008 BMQ- ALL locations

    I f i dont get my call to this round BMQ's on the fourth, will it be another 13 weeks till I have to wait for the next ones to begin?
  8. D

    Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

    reading alll of these threads really puit my mind at ease...I had to provide fingerprints and I have been told it could take 3 months as well. ITs been over 2 montths and still Ive heard nothing. My only charge was a stupid DUI over 8 years ago and I still had to provide fingerprints...Well I...
  9. D

    Feb 2008 BMQ- ALL locations

    I know i believe you guys, its just that my recruiters knew from the get go that I had that dui..why would they make me do my medical, get prints etc etc etc if they thought it wasnt worthwhile?
  10. D

    Feb 2008 BMQ- ALL locations

    He told me the same thing but only in the future because if that was the case my C.O would have said just forget it and that you're not gonna get in! Besides if that was the case about the pardons - there would be nobody in the military! They just want to make sure that the charge is the charge...
  11. D

    Feb 2008 BMQ- ALL locations

    I think it was because I had a DUI back in 2000. They said its standard that they may ask you for prints if you have a Record.. But thats all. My C.O said the wait can be up to 3 months! Its already been over 2.
  12. D

    Feb 2008 BMQ- ALL locations

    I'm still waiting for my clearance...Ihad to send fingerprints in, that was done last Nov19 2007 and I still havnt heard jack yet! I have never been more ready than I  am now...IM just really anxious to get up ther with you guys! Please hope for the best for me will yaz!! :cdn: