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Brad Sallows's latest activity

  • Brad Sallows
    Actually, everything bad about the past 45 years can be laid at the feet of the nefarious Margaret Thatcher.
  • Brad Sallows
    Brad Sallows replied to the thread A Deeply Fractured US.
    Economist John Cochrane wrote an op-ed for the WSJ a short while back, and it's here on his Substack. ("Understanding Trumpers") The...
  • Brad Sallows
    "Hi, we started a war of aggression, but now we'd like the UNSC to help us out."
  • Brad Sallows
    Brad Sallows replied to the thread A Deeply Fractured US.
    They'd own the next debt ceiling lift entirely, but at least they wouldn't have to show their hand until after the election.
  • Brad Sallows
    The obvious rejoinder to "Ukraine did it!" is to observe that everyone knows a terrorist attack manifestly inflames public opinion...
  • Brad Sallows
    Brad Sallows replied to the thread Cost of housing in Canada.
    Over-protective parenting has been going on for at least 30 years. Fewer opportunities to learn to adapt to stress in childhood...
  • Brad Sallows
    Brad Sallows replied to the thread Cost of housing in Canada.
    Amusing. One of the NDP's pet peeves in BC is monster homes built on lands in the ALR (Agricultural Land Reserve), which often end up...
  • Brad Sallows
    Brad Sallows replied to the thread Cost of housing in Canada.
    Not far from the truth. My grandfather got a personal loan for a down payment on a house, on a handshake, in the early 50s.
  • Brad Sallows
    Brad Sallows replied to the thread A Deeply Fractured US.
    If they do, and do something with it, that might clarify the election choices for voters. The legislative filibuster is still in place...
  • Brad Sallows
    Brad Sallows replied to the thread A Deeply Fractured US.
    Yep. American voters are going to have to decide whether they think current federal spending is an "advantageous trajectory" or not...
  • Brad Sallows
    Brad Sallows replied to the thread 2024 BC Election.
    As popular as the Socreds were in the '70s, I recall conversations among (solidly middle class) adults of the time. The Socreds would...
  • Brad Sallows
    Brad Sallows replied to the thread A Deeply Fractured US.
    When some "responsible" Republicans deserted the party and started trying to tear it down from the outside, subject to the condition...
  • Brad Sallows
    The evil Republicans on the USSC did pass a judgement limiting affirmative action admissions, but the noble Democrats who run the...
  • Brad Sallows
    Brad Sallows replied to the thread Cost of housing in Canada.
    Size, features, and complexity of build are factors often ignored when making the simple "house cost then, house cost now" comparisons...
  • Brad Sallows
    Brad Sallows replied to the thread Cost of housing in Canada.
    True. Before then it was "out at 15-18". A good age to sign on to a freighter bound for the far east.