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Recent content by 227Tech

  1. 227Tech

    Bloc Quebecois Leader To Visit Alberta!

    Yea, according to this guy, it seems anyone from Ontario to B.C is considered a part of the "master race".  Someone needs a reality check it...
  2. 227Tech

    Rising up the ranks.

    - Show up early and be ready to work everyday. - stay physically fit if your current job allows leaway in fitness. - volunteer for anything. - stay positive, even about a sh***y situation. - ex cirrcular courses, especially the OPME will be an asset. - Don't kiss a**, I think it's more...
  3. 227Tech

    Danny Williams lowers the Canadian Flag

    Ha Ha, I took your comment of people jumping in without reading the Thread as directed to people such as Ape and kellywmj. Either way, it definately goes both ways too. :cdn:  :salute:
  4. 227Tech

    The General Hillier Years. The Merged Superthread

  5. 227Tech

    Danny Williams lowers the Canadian Flag

    For one thing, no one's blaming YOU (as in the rest of Canada).  The churchill Falls agreement was made by the government at that time because it had no other choice if it wanted to make any revenues at all.  The real blame that were allocating here is to the Federal government who only washed...
  6. 227Tech

    Danny Williams lowers the Canadian Flag

    Well, Newfoundland is apart of Atlantic Canada and not the Maritimes, but lets not try and pick pepper out of flea   S*** here. And I can't speak for the rest of the Atlantic or Maritime province, but I will offer my opinion as far as Newfoundland is concerned. You are right to a certain...
  7. 227Tech

    Danny Williams lowers the Canadian Flag

    Good luck trying to get the remote while the "wife" is watching 24  :P
  8. 227Tech

    Danny Williams lowers the Canadian Flag

    No worries Bruce, I really wasn't offended, I it was opinionated but not that offensive.  Unlike those made by a particular individual  :warstory: (IMHO anyways) I'd like to reflect on these three posts tho and see if I can nail three birds in one stone here. I remember reading somewhere...
  9. 227Tech

    Danny Williams lowers the Canadian Flag

    The PM has replied to Premier Willliams letters. Here's a sample from this link http://stjohns.cbc.ca/regionalnews/caches/nf-martin-williams-20050111.html Everything now seems to have turned into a waiting game again.  Intrested to find out what the game plan is if the Premier isnt...
  10. 227Tech

    Danny Williams lowers the Canadian Flag

    Nice find, You served under Brig-Gen. Ring? :salute: I've had the privledge of meeting him a few times when I served with son, he was a Col. then tho.
  11. 227Tech

    Danny Williams lowers the Canadian Flag

    Hi Bruce, I definately owe you an answer, but to completely fair that comment was directed from this one: Which wouldn't have triggered a responce, except for being a  moderator...more than anything I was questioning your ethics and professionalism as an administrator.  And rightfully so, I...
  12. 227Tech

    Danny Williams lowers the Canadian Flag

    LOL you guys are right, lookin back...perphaps I shoulda let his last slide.  :threat: And Cakear....not American, but I do have Irish in me  :P *promises to stay more civil  :salute:
  13. 227Tech

    Danny Williams lowers the Canadian Flag

    Oz, I wasnt at all trying to say that Ont is the only province with beggers, if you have a look at the post you can see I was taking Glorified Ape on his meaning of "begger's can't be chooser's".  My intention was only to show that Newfoundlanders are anything but beggars, if thats his...
  14. 227Tech

    Danny Williams lowers the Canadian Flag

    Glorified Ape, Yea you're absolutely right, but it doesn't change the fact that posting pure garbage is worse than not posting anything at all. I found Bruce's comment uncalled for an â Å“unprofessionalâ ? for an admin/moderator.  As for your colorful two cents, it wasn't worth the time it had...
  15. 227Tech

    Danny Williams lowers the Canadian Flag

    Just a quick post (busy atm) The Canadian flags went back up as of 1300 10 Jan 05 as ordered by Premier Williams :salute: