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A Deeply Fractured US

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From what I hear they don’t normally comment on active investigations.

But given the unprecedented nature of this I wonder if they should make their case public.
Just stumbled on this. If accurate, it aligns with my supposition that the search warrant may have been based on more recently obtained information supporting it’s grounds. The existence of a confidential informant could certainly explain the acceleration of the investigation. Also of note is that apparently there’s already a grand jury involved in the records investigation. I don’t know if that was already public.

The article is written very confidently, at least. I’ve not yet seen the main claim about a confidential informant repeated elsewhere, but not have I looked.

If they waited for him to turn over the documents, they wouldn't get to use (abuse) the doctrine of plain view and grab everything they can which would then be systematically leaked to damage him during his runup to 2024... I know, I know... would never happen. :D
And what if he chose not to hand the documents over, or even chose to share with unauthorized agents?
Trump and lawyers not given a copy of the warrant,
Trump , lawyers or staff not allowed to be present to observe during the raid,
The FBI did not give an inventory of what was seized.

Basically, the FBI had total run of the Trump property, without restriction or observation the whole time the raid was being conducted. Lots of room for shenanigans.

Oh and they ransacked Milania's wardrobe. Bet there was some sniffing, for clues, going on there.

I would find the best security company out there and have the whole property swept for bugs and other surveillance devices.
Just stumbled on this. If accurate, it aligns with my supposition that the search warrant may have been based on more recently obtained information supporting it’s grounds. The existence of a confidential informant could certainly explain the acceleration of the investigation. Also of note is that apparently there’s already a grand jury involved in the records investigation. I don’t know if that was already public.

The article is written very confidently, at least. I’ve not yet seen the main claim about a confidential informant repeated elsewhere, but not have I looked.

Newsmax has been talking about it all morning. Nothing spectacular or confidential about it. I wonder if it's one of schiff's anonymous whistle-blower that could never been found after the fact.
Trump and lawyers not given a copy of the warrant,
Trump , lawyers or staff not allowed to be present to observe during the raid,
The FBI did not give an inventory of what was seized.

Basically, the FBI had total run of the Trump property, without restriction or observation the whole time the raid was being conducted. Lots of room for shenanigans.

Oh and they ransacked Milania's wardrobe. Bet there was some sniffing, for clues, going on there.

I would find the best security company out there and have the whole property swept for bugs and other surveillance devices.
Having been on Federal Search Warrants, I can comment fairly knowledgeably
1) There is always a copy of the warrant, during COVID many Judges issued warrants via video chat - so only an electronic copy was available sometimes when it was served - but there was the ability to provide a physical copy later if needed.

2) Depending on what the Warrant conditions where, there is no requirement for non-authorized personnel to be present -- usually one simply detains the personnel in a secure area while the warrant is undertaken. The idea that someone can just sit around and watch a search warrant being conducted isn't 100% accurate.

3) Inventory: Items being removed as part of the seizure are generally logged at the scene with individual LEO notes - but not officially inventoried until they are entered into the evidence room, where one master list will be generate. Depending on the number and type of items, this can take over a 24hr period.

The USG doesn't need to leave bugs etc - it's much easier just to tap the source ;)
So yeah- how else do you contend they could have obtained physical evidence that they believed to be on the premises?

Depends on what options had already been tried and exhausted. Other people are asking, proposing variations ranging from asking nicely to negotiating to using subpoena powers.
One would think that Trump’s legal team would be making statements like that.
Is that a new legal team, the ones that quit because he didn't pay them, or the ones with their licences suspended for making such spurious claims about the election process and defendent in multi-billion dollar lawsuits?

That's just an insane claim, and a lot of other previous reports had Trump lawyer Christina Bobb there on site, with Trump not there anyway. Standard attack BS to change the narrative and distract people that they can easily retract later (by which time it's already gospel on FB).
This from news max.

Lawyers were there. Just not allowed in while they searched.
Further reading reveals the news max story was simply using info from a CBS news story.

The lawyers spoke to CBS. The MSM.

They were there. New lawyer it seems and the warrant was sealed. Just not allowed in while they searched.
They've been interviewing politicians and lawyers all day. Go watch it yourself. I'm not your research assistant.
That’s ok. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. If Trump or his designate was not provided a copy of the warrant, I’m sure that claim will be loudly repeated and it won’t be necessary for me to give traffic or clicks to Newsmax to see it repeated.

Securing the site of a search and excluding anyone not in the search team is par for the course, as others have spoken to. There’s no obligation to let the search be monitored.

Kev seems to have more expertise than I on the execution of federal search warrants in the US; I’m happy to defer to his lived experience on the matter.
But really, is there any such thing that will change people's minds?
-he was deep in bed with Epstein
-he blatantly used the Presidency to enrich himself, diverting his and other government stays to Trump properties, including foreign lobbyists
-he installed his wholly unqualified daughter and son in law to high level positions, which they used to personally enrich themselves
-he withheld aid to a foreign country to strong arm them into doing his political dirty work
-he withheld aid to states based on political alignment of their governor
-he's the epitome of an establishment, silverspoon insider
-he teargassed an aid station to make way for a blasphemous photo op
-he's punctuated his political life with nonsensical word salad press conferences and tweets reminiscent of a petulant 12 year old

None of it matters. That he's a viable political entity defies all reason, but he is. What else (excepting something that legally bars him from office) is actually going to break through and resonate?

Say what you want about his policy, but by his own words and actions, as a man, he's is the antitheses of a principled, ethical, conservative statesman. I fully understand Americans that feel that attachment, that have been sucked into the polarization and trapped by the cult of personality. Conservative Canadian's looking from the outside in that don't see him for what he is though? Boggles my mind.

I agree with you to some extent, but I suspect it's more complicated than these types of people simply coming to terms with one man. The Trump movement and supporters would essentially need to come to terms with the entire "Make America Great Again" brand not delivering on the prosperity they are being promised in order to leave him behind. I don't think these folks are ready to accept that despite Trump's claims, we simply can't revive the long post-WWII era of American prosperity and make things that "great again" anytime soon. For many, I think walking away from Trump at this point, is also walking away from that dream, that dream that America can once again quickly become a country similar to the post-war global superpower America that once existed. Accepting the end of something really good is never easy, those were incredibly good times for many Americans (And also Canadians). I think the Trump crowd can typically look past the things you listed like his families personal enrichment, those things aren't a big deal to them as long as they still believe he can still deliver on the overall MAGA dream being promised by him. And he's still 100% promising to do it and keeping that dream alive.

Unfortunately, we are no longer living in, or on the border of, an unquestioned sole global superpower having relatively recently won the biggest war in human history. Those who are young now, due to things beyond their control, will never get to experience those times. The reality of the unique American post-WWII boom created the best economic conditions to date, ever. After years of rationing, war bonds, and saving money, American consumers were ready to spend when they won the war. American factories already geared up from wartime production answered the call as men returned ready to work. Everything from automobile sales to disposable consumer products were able to reach their absolute peaks, North American's were buying homes for cheap and quickly filling them with appliances. This is only a short summary of an era of complex near-perfect ideal conditions, and it was far beyond the credit of any single politician. Most other countries lay in ruins and needed to start from scratch, were under the steel curtain, or in poverty. This period of America's epic superpower history lasted a surprisingly long time, but like most things it's eroding, as the world regains balance and other countries still continue to rebuild, this period slowly ends. Trump's MAGA brand of politics cannot replicate this period, it's simply impossible, and highly unlikely any of us will ever witness another period like it, as much as people naturally want to keep chasing that dream of the era the baby boomers were lucky enough to live in.

We can all scream and shout, blame Joe Biden, blame JT, Liberal's, Democrats, Conservatives, Trump or anyone else- but it won't change anything or bring those times back for the dreamers. Just like Trump, JT wasn't able to bring back the "Sunny Days" with his branding and management either, nor will Pierre Poilievre's "common sense" politics, nobody can bring that era back. It's mainstream false political advertising aimed at good people who don't fully understand, due often to no fault of their own, exactly why things are the way they are now and why they don't have the same advantages of the past. With such high expectations, it's no wonder people are so often disappointed, pissed off at each other, out protesting, and why politics have become extreme with so many unrealistic promises. I think best case, eventually someday (maybe after we are all dead?) the era of extreme politics dies off and the next generations accepts they still have relatively good fortune, maybe not as good as in the past, and leaves all this crap behind, to focus on things we can actually change instead of believing in fairy-tales. It would probably be beneficial to vote for a politician with simple goals, regardless of affiliation, for example bringing back more history lessons to high-school students, instead of ones promising something grande like post-WWII America at this point. Whatever they find at Mar-A-Lago doesn't change any of this very complex situation, nor does getting rid of any one person or political party, this is a phenomenon that is much bigger than just one man, or one political side, and getting overly sucked into it won't change reality.
Having been on Federal Search Warrants, I can comment fairly knowledgeably
1) There is always a copy of the warrant, during COVID many Judges issued warrants via video chat - so only an electronic copy was available sometimes when it was served - but there was the ability to provide a physical copy later if needed.

2) Depending on what the Warrant conditions where, there is no requirement for non-authorized personnel to be present -- usually one simply detains the personnel in a secure area while the warrant is undertaken. The idea that someone can just sit around and watch a search warrant being conducted isn't 100% accurate.

3) Inventory: Items being removed as part of the seizure are generally logged at the scene with individual LEO notes - but not officially inventoried until they are entered into the evidence room, where one master list will be generate. Depending on the number and type of items, this can take over a 24hr period.

The USG doesn't need to leave bugs etc - it's much easier just to tap the source ;)

Kev, when we execute a search, typically everyone taking part will sign the back of a copy of the warrant which is then sealed as an exhibit; that’s provided as evidence that all of the searchers read the warrant and the terms and contains listed therein. Out of curiosity do you guys do something similar?
Kev, when we execute a search, typically everyone taking part will sign the back of a copy of the warrant which is then sealed as an exhibit; that’s provided as evidence that all of the searchers read the warrant and the terms and contains listed therein. Out of curiosity do you guys do something similar?
Depends on who’s Warrant it is.
Some Fed TF Warrants only the SAC or senior person will sign, others will have all Fed’s all Fed TL’s etc. Honestly I’ve seen the same agency do it different ways - and never wanted to ‘be that guy’ and ask why.
Admittedly all my work was Tac related -generally known BG(s) no one really cares on those TF’s as long as you ‘kick door turn left’ —> so no investigative searches.

Also some Fed’s will require a Fed to be with you whenever evidence is acquired (I guess locals often make off with evidence? - history might prove that point though), and always when logging it after.

Of all the DoJ entities, the FBI has my highest level of respect/credibility and ethics*

(*well outside of their SWAT teams and HRT)
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