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  1. sarahsmom


    That will depend on your availability and theirs. If you are applying for reg F (full time) you do not do the force test prior to leaving for basic. Only reservists do it prior to enrolment. The medical exam may also need to be reviewed by the RMO in Ottawa, prior to approval.You also need an...
  2. sarahsmom

    Background-Check/Security-Screening Processing: Summer BMQ possible?

    If you have completed all the steps (medical, interview, force test, CFAT) then the rest is a waiting game. You are never guaranteed of an offer, so I would not hold my breath for a summer BMQ this late in the season. Only way to know with more certainty is to contact your recruiter and ask if...
  3. sarahsmom

    How long will it take to get to bmq

    keep in mind at 16 you also need your parents to sign off on your application. You are never guaranteed a job just for applying so depending on how long it takes you to get through all the steps, it can take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years from the time of applying to get to BMQ.
  4. sarahsmom


    Depends on how many applications are received at the same time as yours and how they get sorted when received. That part I don’t know about. Also what you consider normal/healthy and what they consider normal/healthy for military service can be 2 different things. Really looking at anywhere from...
  5. sarahsmom


    You bring the form to your doctor, have them fill it out, and then return it to CFRC for review. They will forward it to the RMO’s office with your file and if approved, your file will continue processing.
  6. sarahsmom

    Help With Contacting Recruiting Offices

    If you are « selected » you will receive an offer soon. They will contact you. Check your email (spam/junk/trash as well as regular inbox) and keep your phone handy.
  7. sarahsmom

    I really want to apply to be a reserve once I receive my PR and need advice.

    BMQ is typically offered 2-3 times a year for reserves: part-time in the fall, sometimes part time in Jan/feb, and full time in the summer.
  8. sarahsmom

    So I really cant do anything if I need an Epipen?

    Perfect. It was a thought that drifted through my head in the treadmill and just made me wonder. Thanks for clarifying!
  9. sarahsmom

    Sewing kits, and related kit.

    White thread, black thread, a few short buttons, safety pins, sewing needles (any needle works - straight, curved, just not super fine. A needle threader is a good addition. Tiny pair of scissors.
  10. sarahsmom

    So I really cant do anything if I need an Epipen?

    Here’s a thought that just occurred to me… Combat gauze is made with shellfish is it not? Like the protein and combat gauze and quick clot that makes the blood clot some kind of shellfish protein? Maybe that’s why a shellfish allergy is such a big red flag for the RMO.
  11. sarahsmom

    Sewing kits, and related kit.

    Do they not issue sewing kits anymore? It used to be an olive drab kit with a Velcro closure that just contains several spools of different coloured threads a couple of needles couple of buttons and needle threader. And maybe some scissors
  12. sarahsmom

    So I really cant do anything if I need an Epipen?

    It’s a shellfish allergy, more specifically shrimp.
  13. sarahsmom

    So I really cant do anything if I need an Epipen?

    That’s not how recruiting works.
  14. sarahsmom

    So I really cant do anything if I need an Epipen?

    The CEMS haven’t changed yet. They are considering changing them, but don’t hold your breath. It may be years or decades before they change. the best way to fight your denial (assuming you have officially received a denial) would be to prove you don’t need an epi-pen. That doesn’t mean...
  15. sarahsmom

    So I really cant do anything if I need an Epipen?

    But you are not just putting yourself at risk. You are putting your entire section/platoon at risk. While you are the only one who will experience the anaphylactic response, you will require a medic to treat you in the field as well as 4 people to carry the stretcher you will be laying on...
  16. sarahsmom

    I have a contact that might be able to help you. They do PLARs for health services (prior...

    I have a contact that might be able to help you. They do PLARs for health services (prior learning assessment report) and recruiting for reserves. They may be able to answer whether or not your 2 year course would be acceptable. Try reaching out to Lt(N) Hanson at laen.Hanson@forces.gc.ca. Good...
  17. sarahsmom


    Have you reached out to the recruiter to ask?
  18. sarahsmom

    Does going to a staff appointment (summer camp) will be a deal breaker in order to get accepted into RMC ?

    So you want to work at Cadet Camp instead of attending camp? And you want to know if this will affect your application to RMC? Only you can decide whether it will be worth it. As for RMC, many many many candidates will not have any cadet camp or cadet experience. There is no requirement to do...
  19. sarahsmom


    Will the accelerated version give you a Bachelor in Nursing at the end? If yes, it should be OK, but typically your summers as an ROTP candidate are used for BMOQ and other courses you will need.
  20. sarahsmom

    BMQ - PRes Full-time 32CBG (Toronto), Apr. 28 2024

    I only mentioned the commuting allowance as a thing that exists for reservists. O did also state to go to the OR to check eligibility. Travel assistance is a thing to but neither of these things are things I’m an expert in hence the advice to go to the orderly room to check requirements and...