's Fallen Comrades

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

Was it wicked leaders who led innocent populations to slaughter, or was it wicked populations who chose leaders after their own hearts? On the face of it, it seemed unlikely that one leader could force millions of Englishmen against their wills. If, for instance, Mordred had been anxious to make Englishmen wear petticoats, or stand on their heads, they surely would not join his party, no matter how clever or persuasive or deceitful or even terrible his inducements?

A leader was surely forced to offer something which appealed to those he lead.

- T.H White; The once and future King

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rocket-assisted projectile

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Today in Military History

June 18


The Battle of Waterloo


Les Fusiliers Mont-Royal: Nunquam Retrorsum (Never retreat)


The Princess Louise Fusiliers: Fidelitier (Faithfully)

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