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  1. G

    Naval Warfare Officer Pin - NCM Version

    Agreed regarding badges. Some are even used to flog ice cream in the most unlikely places.....👹 https://www.derrynow.com/news/derry-news/674872/derry-ice-cream-shop-owner-apologises-for-logos-resemblance-to-parachute-regiment-insignia.html
  2. G

    Naval Warfare Officer Pin - NCM Version

    It was the only good thing about the first generation duds that weren't green. The shirt buttons fell off after every wash, and the blue pants (actual blue, not black) changed colour to a fetching shade of aubergine.
  3. G

    Naval Warfare Officer Pin - NCM Version

    We did on the first post-CF work dress iteration of NCDs. Pic is ‘89-90 vintage. Trade badges lasted a few years only and then came off, never to reappear. I don’t recall the reason why.
  4. G

    Naval Warfare Officer Pin - NCM Version

    Pre 9/11, wasn’t there a measure of perverse pride in having senior pers with a CD and bar only compared to our American cousins? “Look at us, we don’t get a medal for completing basic/unit effectiveness/rolling out of bed in the morning”.
  5. G

    British Military Current Events

    Lots of things to avoid 😀.
  6. G

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    Wasn’t there a Heritage Moment on CBC a few years back around rememberance day about “honouring our fallen” where the troops in the footage were German?
  7. G

    Liberal Minority Government 2021 - ????

    Like capital gains tax on sale of primary residence. It’s a-comin’!
  8. G

    80th Anniversary of D-Day 2024

    When les grenouille get up to these kind of shenanigans, this always comes to mind:
  9. 1717861799822.jpeg


  10. G

    Current Dress Regs

    That's akin to the Ranger's adoption of the sandy beret when the US Army as a whole moved to black.
  11. G

    Current Dress Regs

    That’s a massive drop in standards if true. The RCAF provided the Buckingham Palace guard for a spell only a few years ago. I had an ex-stoker colleague who’d re-enlisted as an AVN tech and who was part of it. He gave me a rundown on being beasted by the nasty Guards’ Colour Sergeants. 😀
  12. G

    Current Dress Regs

    Being twelve years removed from uniform and peripherally aware that the dress and deportment manual had been binned, I just side eyed him scornfully.
  13. G

    Current Dress Regs

    Can’t say the same. I saw LS (oops, S1) Bag-o-shite Bloggins in the Colwood Thrifty’s a few weeks back. Submariner coveralls with the ‘morale’ patches (wtf is that about, we made do with a ships crest and name tag) scraggly hair to his mid shoulders and pooor imitation ZZ Top beard. It was...
  14. G

    Current Dress Regs

    Who’s the old codger in Denison smock and general officer tabs you’re having a chat with?
  15. G

    Trudeau Popularity - or not. Nanos research

    Electoral College tries to enter the chat.......
  16. G

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    Cutting steel…maybe. But there’s the 4 Dreadnougnt class SSBN’s first. I know the big assembly hall in Barrow has been enlarged recently, but I can’t see Dreadnought and AUKUS SSN’s being built simultaneously.
  17. G

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    That 32k includes RM also, around 7k.
  18. G

    Our North - SSE Policy Update Megathread

    Absolutely brutal. There's a reason the 'Regiments' 2 squadron is linked with other tier one units like the hooligans and those guys from Poole. They'd out perform those 1 Para bods any day...........(ducks for cover).
  19. G

    British Military Current Events

    You forgot the bad news: Two Royal Navy frigates to be retired
  20. G

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    Definitely a RN inherited thing. Remember Dirt on Op APOLLO? We had a whip around for him for presentable NCD’s for him to wear before x-polling to a Greek frigate for the day. I think he got a spare shirt from me. Next day, he comes back still looking like Mr. Bag-o-shite. Dan Riis just...