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  1. Blackadder1916

    80th Anniversary of D-Day 2024

    The commemorative ceremonies are probably well underway by now, but I did come across some of the activities from yesterday including this from Forces News. Canadians were supposed to be there but apparently there was an issue with our aircraft. (comment at 6:34)
  2. Blackadder1916

    State of Emergency: RCMP warn of uncontrolled fire near explosive material in Happy Valley-Goose Bay

    https://ntv.ca/state-of-emergency-rcmp-warn-of-uncontrolled-fire-near-explosive-material-in-happy-valley-goose-bay/ https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/happy-valley-goose-bay-explosion-fire-state-of-emergency-1.7179921
  3. Blackadder1916

    Who would come to mind if you saw a "White Ford Bronco" hearse?

    It didn't take long for a satire site to exploit the obvious. On the other hand it was the first thing that came to my mind when I heard the news. But that's probably a generational memory (it was 30 years ago)...
  4. Blackadder1916

    South Alberta Light Horse Regiment to amalgamate with larger reserve force

    Something to set Honoraries' heads spinning. https://chatnewstoday.ca/2024/03/07/south-alberta-light-horse-regiment-to-amalgamate-with-larger-reserve-force-command-set-to-move-out-of-medicine-hat/ South Alberta Light Horse Regiment to amalgamate with larger reserve force, command set to move...
  5. Blackadder1916

    Nathan Lehr, MWO (Ret'd)

    I came across this by happenstance this morning as I was looking for some information on the RCL Newfoundland Provincial Command website. I knew Nathan Lehr thirty years ago. We served together in 4 Fd Amb; he was the CSM Adm Coy. https://www.parsonsfuneralhome.com/obituary/nathan-lehr I...
  6. Blackadder1916

    U.S. gun crime, health insurance woes scare off Canadian diplomats

    I am sure there'll be inevitable opinions about whining Canadian foreign service officers. https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/u-s-gun-crime-health-insurance-woes-scare-off-canadian-diplomats-union-says-1.6735702 But I wondered if there were any similar concerns voiced by military pers posted to...
  7. Blackadder1916

    Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger dies aged 100

    The passing of time also leads to the passing of individuals who greatly influenced events in our recent history. The reactions to Secretary Kissinger's death are mixed. I lead with the BBC's because it epitomizes the measured (gentlemanly?) approach of that news outlet. Others are not so...
  8. Blackadder1916

    David McCallum, Actor, dead at 90

    https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2023/sep/26/david-mccallum-obituary From getting rid of dirt to being a Russian heartthrob. And as a much younger man. National Service, probably before he was commissioned in the Middlesex Regiment.
  9. Blackadder1916

    Flood 'of a different kind' in Portugal

    Probably not the usual emergency that firefighters respond to. https://www.npr.org/2023/09/12/1198913626/red-wine-flood-city-portugal
  10. Blackadder1916

    Drone Delivery Canada awarded first contract for Canary drone from Department of National Defence

    https://dronedeliverycanada.com/press-releases/ddc-awarded-first-contract-for-its-canary-drone-from-the-department-of-national-defence/ Yes, typical press release hyperbole. The point that caught my attention was: "Under the terms of the Contract, the Canary will be operated and evaluated in...
  11. Blackadder1916

    Video shows murderer escaping jail by crab walking up wall

    They caught the first prisoner who escaped this way. Apparently they didn't notice this guy. https://www.npr.org/2023/09/07/1198086420/danelo-cavalcante-pennsylvania-inmate-video-razor-wire What we know about the search for escaped Pennsylvania inmate Danelo Cavalcante A convicted murderer...
  12. Blackadder1916

    Entire police department in Minnesota city resigns

    What does $22 an hour get you? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/entire-minnesota-police-department-resigns-due-issues-pay-rcna100008 What is an entire depatment? https://www.cityofgoodhue.com/departments/police-department/ Or according to the story. And the mean streets of Goodhue...
  13. Blackadder1916

    PSHCP - Frustration abounds as public service health plan gets switched to Canada Life

    If it hadn't been for noticing this CBC article, I would probably have remained blissfully(?) ignorant until my prescription claims started to be declined. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/canada-life-overwhelmed-call-volume-public-servants-1.6900064 I'll admit that I was somewhat remiss...
  14. Blackadder1916

    Russell Brown steps down from Supreme Court, halting probe into misconduct claim

    Matthew 7: 1-2 https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/russell-brown-supreme-court-justice-resigns-1.6873402 All right, all right, the biblical reference is not strictly on point but is a bit of cheek. What else could you use in reference to a story about a judge? I contemplated necro-posting this...
  15. Blackadder1916

    Jim Brown, all-time NFL great running back and social activist, dies aged 87

    https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2023/may/19/jim-brown-dead-nfl-star-civil-rights-activist For those of us of a certain age who can forget this sprint
  16. Blackadder1916

    Harry Belafonte, activist and entertainer, dies at 96

    https://apnews.com/article/harry-belafonte-dead-2d8cbdf0043e4383a6c4a85c862cdbe1 "Daaayy-o, Daaayy-o, Daylight come and we want go home" I met Harry Belafonte once, on a road in Rwanda (the RN4 Ruhengari - Gisenyi Road, about three miles east of the Mareru Milk Factory to be exact) in 1994...
  17. Blackadder1916

    Groundhog Day 2023

    February 2 is officially Groundhog Day and while Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania may be the best known of the venues where rodents are fondled in the belief that they can predict weather, it's a Canadian rat that should hold the prize for this year's best performance. Or should I say, best imitation...
  18. Blackadder1916

    US rock legend David Crosby dies aged 81

    https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-64341315 At an awards ceremony in 1991 he quipped "For a guy who was supposed to be dead a couple years ago, I'm doing pretty well." He lived longer than many expected. His music will probably last a lot longer.
  19. Blackadder1916

    NY National Guard deploys for Christmas snow storm response

    A Toronto-esque military deployment for their neighbors just across the lake. https://www.dvidshub.net/news/435904/ny-national-guard-deploys-christmas-snow-storm-response And while over 500 Guardsmen are shuffling off to Buffalo, "the New York National Guard also has 700 personnel on state...
  20. Blackadder1916

    No, this KC-135’s call sign is not ‘T******,’ Air Force says

    It's not only fighter pilots who have an penchant for questionable callsigns. https://taskandpurpose.com/news/air-force-call-sign-titties/?fbclid=IwAR2xYan1J8-cXSoMS_Qw3MrvEQsTE5cW0ljmAqogTce5vJqNnz_wQm2Zc0o